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Title: The views and opinions of biology students on the application of programmed instruction in the realization of physiological program content
Authors: Djurić, Dragan
Stanisavljević, Jelena 
Keywords: Concept maps;Motivation of students;Physiological teaching contents;Programmed instruction
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2011
Journal: Croatian Journal of Education
This paper analyzes the effect of programmed biology teaching on the development of motivational processes in students in the field of physiological programming content of the subject Human anatomy and physiology. The study sample consisted of 60 graduate students grouped into one experimental and one control group. For the experimental group, the physiological courses (Teaching Area: Nervous System) were carried out using programmed instruction, which was performed using computer and programmed materials containing the concept maps. The control group at the same facility implemented the classical-lecturing teaching. After elaborating on the teaching material, a survey was conducted for students of the experimental group. The survey results show a great interest by students in the programmed model of teaching and reported high motivation for adopting physiological programming content using such a didactic model.
ISSN: 1848-5189
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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