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Title: Honey Bee Watch develops participatory monitoring protocol to study free-living Apis mellifera colonies
Authors: Bila Dubaić, Jovana 
Dickey, Myra
Kohl, Patrick
Requier, Fabrice
Rogenstein, Steve
Rutschmann, Benjamin
Thiele, Michael J.
Visick, Oliver
Moro, Arrigo
Issue Date: Sep-2024
Rank: M34
Start page: 354
End page: 355
Conference: 10th Congress of Apidology (EurBee 10)
Honey bees are predominantly perceived as a domesticated animal for agricultural purposes, while their role and importance as a wild species is often overlooked. In contrast to managed populations, wild cohorts are shaped by natural selection, which is why they can potentially cope better with threats like Varroa destructor and a changing environment. However, the IUCN's Red List classification of...
16–19 September 2024
Tallinn, Estonia
Book of abstracts: pp 354-355
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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