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Title: The influence of the Satureja montana L. leaves methanol extract on the rat erythrocytes membrane
Authors: Marin, Marija 
Miroslav, Novaković
Korać, Aleksandra 
Keywords: Satureja montana;Methanol extracts
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2017
Rank: M33
Publisher: SSOM – Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy
ASEM – Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy
DGE – German Society for Electron Microscopy e.V.
Project: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Related Publication(s): Proceedings - MC2017 Microscopy Conference
Start page: 889
End page: 890
Conference: MC2017 - Microscopy Conference, Lausanne Switzerland
Introduction: In the recent years many investigations have showed that medicinal plant extracts cause alterations of the shape and physiology of erythrocytes (Chikezie, 2006). Changes in shape and size of
erythrocytes can contribute to their elimination by phagocytes from circulation, and subsequently, can lead to anemia development (Stasiuc et al., 2009). Satureja montana L. (Lamiaceae), is an aromatic species with proved very strong pharmacological activities and antioxidative properties due to the presence of phenolic compounds. The present study investigated possible influence of the Satureja montana L. leaves methanol extract on the rat erythrocytes membrane. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the various concetrations of the Satureja montana L. leaves methanol extracts on the rat erythrocytes morphology ex vivo. Materials and Methods: The red blood cells (RBC) of male rats of Wistar strain were ex vivo treated with S. montana leaves methanol extract. We used following concentration: 100µg/ml (I), 150µg/ml (II) and 300µg/ml (III) and incubated with RBC at 37°C for 1h (Bors et al., 2012). The erythrocytes incubated with phosphate buffered saline – PBS (P) and PBS + dimethyl sulfoxide – DMSO (D), (PD) were used as controls. The percentage of erythrocytes with different shape morphology (e.g. echinocytes, stomatocytes) were calculate. Results: In contrast to the biconcave disc shape of control red blood cells, the RBC incubated with the different concentration of methanol extracts underwent shape changes typical for echinocyte and stomatocyte formation. We found that within creasing concentration of methanol leaves extracts (I100µg/ml, II-150 µg/ml and III-300 µg/ml), gradually raised the percentage of different erythrocytes shape forms in comparison to both controls. The most significant changes were observed at concentration of
300µg/ml, with the highest percentage of echinocytes and stomatocytes forms. It is possible that phenolic compounds, predominantly present in S. montana leaves methanol extracts, could interacted with or incorporated into either erythrocyte membrane outer monolayer promoting echinocytosis or erythrocyte membrane inner monolayer prompting stomatocytosis.
Conclusion: The methanol extract of S. montana leaves in dose-dependent manner stimulates
phospholipid scrambling of the rat erythrocyte cell membrane, an effect probably in part dependent on entry of secondary constituents. Its beneficial effect via protecting the cell membrane against oxidation in vivo could be suggested.
DOI: 10.5283/epub.36143
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