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Title: Some adventive plant invaders as hosts of various aphid – aphid parasitoid associations
Authors: Tomanović, Snežana
Jovanović, Slobodan
Tomanović, Željko 
Petrović, Olivera
Keywords: Adventive plants;;Distribution;;Aphid;;Aphid parasitoid.
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
Journal: Acta biologica iugoslavica-serija D: Ekologija
Volume: 38
Issue: 1-2
Start page: 25
End page: 30
In the paper we analyzed origin, distribution, habitats, introduction time and associated aphids and aphid parasitoids of follows adventive plants Oenothera hiennis L., Asclepias syriaca L., Iva xanthifolia Nutt. and Conyza canadensis (L) Cronq. Oenothera biennis - Aphis oenotherae Oestlund Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marsh) association is for the first time reported from Palaearctic.
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