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Title: Aphid parasitoids infesting cotton, citrus, tobacco, and cereal crops in southeastern Europe: aphid-plant associations and keys
Authors: Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.
Tomanović, Željko 
Athanassiou, Christos G.
Starý, Petr
Žikić, Vladimir
Sarlis, George P.
Fasseas, Constantin
Keywords: Cereal aphids;;Parasitoids;;Predators;;Seasonal dynamics;;Serbia.
Issue Date: 2012
Journal: The Canadian Entomologist
Volume: 137
Issue: 5
Start page: 516
End page: 531
We present new information on the parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of aphids infesting cotton, tobacco, citrus, and cereal agroecosystems in southeastern Europe. Nineteen species are keyed and illustrated with scanning electron micrographs and line drawings. The aphidiines presented in this work have been identified from 18 aphid taxa. Furthermore, 96 original parasitoid–aphid–plant associations are presented. Cotton, tobacco, and citrus agroecosystems are connected through aphids and their parasitoids, whereas cereal agroecosystems represent a separate group of associations.
ISSN: 0008-347X
DOI: 10.4039/n05-020
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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