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Title: Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) on cultivated and self-sown plants in Greece
Authors: Kavallieratos, Nickolas
Tomanović, Željko 
Sarlis, George
Vayias, Basileios
Žikić, Vladimir
Emmanouel, Nickolas
Keywords: Aphids;;Cultivated plants;;Self-sown plants;;Associations;;Greece.
Issue Date: Jun-2007
Rank: M23
Journal: Biologia
Volume: 62
Issue: 3
Start page: 335
End page: 344
The present work covers original information on aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) from Greece during 1995–2005. The individual aphid taxa were collected from their host plants and identified. The plant taxa were classified in twomajor categories: cultivated and self-sown. The cultivated ones were classified as: herbaceous, climbing and trees. The self-sown ones were classified as: annual herbaceous, annual or biennial herbaceous, biennial or perennial herbaceous, perennialherbaceous, shrubby and trees Two hundred twelve plant taxa were identified on which 105 aphid taxa were recorded. Wereport 391 plant taxa-aphid taxa associations from which, 190 are referred to cultivated and 201 to self-shown plant taxa.Aphis gossypiiwas found to infest the widest spectrum of cultivated plant taxa whereasBrachycaudus helichrysiwas foundto infest the widest spectrum of self-sown plant taxa.Myzus persicaewas found to infest the widest spectrum of the totalnumber of plant taxa. Information for several economically unimportant aphid taxa in the area are also presented.
DOI: 10.2478/s11756-007-0056-x
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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