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Title: Aphids and their Parasitoids (Hym., Braconidae: Aphidiinae) Associated with Medicinal Plants in Iran
Authors: Talebi, Ali Asghar
Rakhshani, Ehsan
Fathipour, Yaghoub
Starý, Petr
Tomanović, Željko 
Rajabi-Mazhar, Noorali
Keywords: Medicinal plants;;Arphid parasitoids;;Aphidiinae;;Iran.
Issue Date: 2009
Journal: American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Start page: 205
End page: 219
A survey was carried out to identify aphids and their parasitoids on medicinal plant in Iran. A total of 65 species o f aphids and 34 species of parasitoids were collected and identified from 140 associatio n s . A key is prepared for identification of aphid parasitoid species associated with the medicinal plants. The tritrophic associations of parasitoids, their aphid hosts and the respective food plants were p resented. The aphid parasitoid complex comprising the broadly oligophagous species, like Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) comparing to strictly specific parasitoids, like Lysaphidus arvensis Starý. The occasional member of the medicinal aphid parasitoid guilds, in clu d ing Binodoxys spp., Praon spp. and Ephedrus s p p . were fo u n d to be locally s p ecific. Th e ac t iv it y o f h y p erp aras ito id s s eems to impair the efficacy of parasitoid, which destroying all colony of the mummified aph id s . Th es e were including Syrphophagus aphidivorus (M ayr), Pachyneuron aphidis (Bo u che), Asaphes vulgaris Walker, and Alloxysta s pp. T h e s e a s onal paras itis m and efficacy of the aphid paras itoid in biocontrol of the aphid pests on medicinal plants are the matters of further researches.
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