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Title: Review of Invasive Grapevine Aphid, Aphis illinoisensis Shimer, and native Parasitoids in the Mediterranean (Hemiptera, Aphididae; Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae)
Authors: Havelka, Jan
Shukshuk, Alkasm
Ghaliow, Mustafa
Laamari, Malik
Kavallieratos, Nickolas
Tomanović, Željko 
Rakhshani, Ehsan
Pons, Xavier
Stary, Petr
Keywords: Invasions;;Aphis illinoisensis;;Grapevine;;Parasitoids;;Mediterranean;;libya.
Issue Date: Jan-2011
Rank: M23
Publisher: Srpsko biološko društvo i grupa naučnih instituta
Journal: Archives of Biological Sciences
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Start page: 269
End page: 274
Review of invasive GRapevine aphid, Aphis illinoisensis shimeR, and native paRasitoids in the mediteRRanean (hemipteRa, aphididae; hymenopteRa, BRaconidae, aphidiinae) Abstract — A summary of the study of Aphis illinoisensis Shimer on grapes, Vitis vinifera in the mediterranean area brings references and new findings on its distribution in Crete/Greece, turkey, Northern Cyprus, malta, Israel, montenegro, tu-nisia, Algeria and libya. Parasitoids of A. illinoisensis were only occasionally found (Aphidius matricariae Hal. – Cyprus, turkey, Greece; Aphidius colemani viereck – libya; Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cress. – Algeria). Of the native species, i.e. A. colemani, and others similar to the native species, L. testaceipes seem to be a promising biocontrol agent within the frame-work of an ecologically friendly management in the area. Given the evidence of its expansion, A. illinoisensis is expected to expand further in several directions from the recently documented invaded area to all the grape-growing areas of the mediterranean and even those of South-eastern and Central europe.
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1101269H
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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