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Title: Diet- and age-dependent changes of intestinal injury in rats
Authors: Veličković, Ksenija 
Markelić, Milica 
Stančić Ana
Otašević Vesna
Gudelj Anđelija
Savić Nevena
Martinović Vesna
Grigorov Ilijana
Editors: Spasojević Ivan
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2023
Rank: M34
Publisher: Faculty of Chemistry
Serbian Biochemical Society
Project: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia i Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200007.
Start page: 80
Conference: Serbian Biochemical Society Twelfth Conference “Biochemistry in Biotechnology”
A high-sugar diet is associated with an increased risk of chronic intestinal disease, but the
capacity of the gut to adapt to dietary changes in young and adult rats is unknown.
Therefore, the effects of an 8-week dextrose-enriched diet (20% or 60%) on intestinal
histology, antioxidative defence status, and the expression pattern of high mobility group
box-1 (HMGB1), a mediator of the inflammatory response, were investigated. Numerous
signs of tissue damage were associated with decreases in villus height (Vh), crypt depth
(Cd), villus surface area (VSA), and muscle thickness (Mt) in adult rats fed with 60%
dextrose. While the decrease in Vh and Cd was affected by age, the decrease in VSA and
Mt was interactively affected by age and treatment. Structural changes were associated
with decreased activity of antioxidative defence enzymes, particularly catalase, which is
affected by treatment, and CuZnSOD, which is interactively modulated by age and
treatment. Moreover, massive translocation of HMGB1 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
was detected in epithelial cells in the same group (interactive effect of age and treatment).
We concluded that supraphysiological dextrose concentrations induce changes in the
oxidative state, possibly leading to redox modification of HMGB1 and consequent tissue
damage. The intestine undergoes dynamic functional and morphological changes with age
that are more pronounced under high dextrose concentrations.
ISBN: 978-86-7220-140-6 (FOC)
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