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Title: Effect of enriched environment on serotonin and RNA editing of serotonin 2C receptor is specific for brain regions and mouse strains
Authors: Karanović, Jelena 
Bratkovič Tomaž
Stamenković Vera
Jasnić, Nebojša 
Milošević, Milena 
Đorđević Ana
Anđus, Pavle 
Jovanović Vladimir
Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka 
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M62
Publisher: Serbian Neuroscience Society
Project: 451-03-39/2016-09/15/01
Start page: 46
End page: 46
Conference: 8th Congress of Serbian Neuroscience Society with international participation
Serotonin neurotransmission is sensitive to environmental stimuli. Serotonin receptor
2C (HTR2C) undergoes dynamic A-to-I editing that fine-tunes cell response to
serotonin and is altered in depressed suicide victims and by pharmacological
treatments. We aimed to explore a mediating role of Htr2c mRNA editing in response
to enriched environment and factors involved in this response. Three-week-old
BALB/c and C57BL/6 male mice were housed in enriched and standard conditions for
four weeks. Htr2c mRNA editing pattern and expression, serotonin level and
expression of Adar and Adarb1 mRNAs (coding enzymes catalyzing A-to-I editing)
and Snord115 RNA (regulating Htr2c mRNA alternative splicing and editing) were
measured in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus (HC), brain regions implicated
in suicidal behavior. BALB/c mice, a “stress-sensitive” strain due to genetically
determined lower serotonin level, responded to enriched conditions by adapting the
Htr2c editing pattern to a slight serotonin decrease in PFC and a significant increase
in HC. C57BL/6 mice, a “stress-resilient” strain, responded to enriched environment
by increasing the serotonin level and changing Adar and Adarb1 mRNAs expression
in HC, and without changes in PFC. Our findings suggest that the enriched
environment effect on the serotonin level and a mediating role of Htr2c mRNA
editing in PFC depend on the genetic background and its interactions with the
environment. On the other hand, changes in HC are primarily driven by enriched
Our results imply usefulness of enriched environment paradigm for understanding
interactions of genetic and environmental factors underlying suicidal behavior, which
might improve psychological treatments.
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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