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Title: Redescription of two species of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from high mountain areas of southeastern Europe, with biological and biogeographical notes on co- occurring guild members
Authors: Tomanović, Željko 
Kavallieratos, Nickolas
Stary, Petr
Žikić, Vladimir
Tomić, Vladimir 
Lučić, Luka 
Issue Date: Oct-2006
Rank: M23
Publisher: Entomologica Fennica
Journal: Entomologica Fennica
Volume: 18
Start page: 36
End page: 45
Praon spinosum Mackauer, 1959 reared from Thripsaphis verrucosa Gillette, 1917 on Carex nigra and Diaeretellus macrocarpus Mackauer, 1961 reared from the conspecific aphid on Carex rostrata association from Mt. Durmitor Biosphere Reserve in Serbia and Montenegro are redescribed, diagnosed and illustrated with photographs from SEM and line drawings. The taxonomic position of P. spinosum within the genus Praon is discussed. Furthermore, some rare and endemic aphid -aphid-parasitoid associations from high-montane areas of southeastern Europe are reviewed and their distribution and origin is discussed.
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