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Title: Desmids flora of Vlasinsko Lake (Southeast Serbia)
Authors: Fužinato, Sanja 
Issue Date: 2011
Rank: M34
Start page: 46
End page: 47
Conference: International Conference of Young Scientists - Advances in Botany and Ecology, Berezne, Ukraine.
Vlasinko Lake is located in the southaest Serbia. Situated on the altitude of 1213 m, it s spreads to 16 km2 and it is the biggest and highest artificial lake in Serbia. It was formed when a peatbog floated downstream after the constuction of the dam on the river Vlasina in 1949. In the past century, the desmid flora of Vlasinsko Lake was investigated during several periods. The algological samlpes from the Vlasinsko Lake were collected from 9 localities during 2007 and 2008. The physicochemical analysis of water were conducted in the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia by standard methods. The water ph value varies within range of 6,8-7,6: dossolved oxygen 2,0-6,0 mg/l: saturation 17-69 %; total alcality 55-66 CaCO3 mg/l; conductivity 78-95 mS/cm; total nitrogen 0,3-0,5 mg/l; total phosphoruous 0,025-0,096 mg/l; BPK5 1-1,9 mg/l; KMnO4 0,1-2,7 mg/l. Saprobizy index according Puntle-Buck method varied between 1,9 and 2,0 (beta/mezosaprobic(/ The algological metherial was analyzed using Carl Yeiss Axio Imager M1 microscope and digital camera AxioCam MRc5 with AxioVisin 4.8 softwere. On the basis of relevant literature 106 desmid taxa were identified. Among 7 genera of desmids in all (Closterium, Cosmarium,Desmidium, Euastrum, Mictasterias, Staurastrum, Staurodesmus) the most diverse and the most common was Cosmarium (39 taca or 36,9%), The species Closterium Limneticum Lemm, Cosmarium laeve Raben, Staurastrum plancotonicum Teil. and Staurastrum tetracerum Ralfs were the most abudant. The new spedies for Serbian desmids flora are Closterium angustatum Kutz ex Ralfs, Closterium diane var. minus Hieron, Cosmarium angulare John, Cosmarium sexangulare Lund, Euastrum gayanum De Tony, Staurastrium acutum, Breb and Staurastrium aubavicula W.&G.S.West.
Book of abstracts, 46-47pp.
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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