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Title: Cezijum-137 u biotskim i abiotskim uzorcima sa teritorije Novog Pazara
Authors: Antović, Ivanka
Stojanović, Dalibor 
Svrkota, Nikola
Žižić, Ranka
Hadžibrahimović, Mirzeta
Issue Date: 2016
Rank: M45
Publisher: Београд : Институт за нуклеарне науке "Винча", Лабораторија за заштиту од зрачења и заштиту животне средине : Друштво за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе
This paper deals with 137Cs activity concentrations in samples from the territory of Novi Pazar (town core, Novopazarska Banja, Izbice). The measurements have been performed in 2013-2016 using standard gamma spectrometry (HPGe) procedures, and included samples of soil (11 locations), 11 individuals of centipede (Scolopendra cingulata), vegetables (potato, onion), fruit (apple), as well as “tree of heaven” Ailanthus altissima and pine Pinus sylvestris. The levels of concentration/transfer factors for animal and plant species were evaluated, together with corresponding radiation dose rate caused by 137Cs, and its contribution to the total dose rate. All the samples showed relatively low level of 137Cs. Its contribution to the total external terrestrial gamma absorbed dose rate at 1 m in air at 11 measuring points did not exceed 11%, while the annual effective dose caused by gamma radiation of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs found to be with an average of ∼0.08 mSv y-1 , i.e., sli...
Černobilj: 30 godina posle, (pp. 265–277).
ISBN: 978-86-7306-138-2
Appears in Collections:Monography

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