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Title: Different levels of EGF, VEGF, IL-6, MCP-1, MCP-3, IP-10, Eotaxin and MIP-1α in the adipose-derived stem cell secretome in androgenetic alopecia
Authors: Anđelkov, Katarina
Eremin, Ilya I.
Korać, Aleksandra 
Keywords: Adipose-derived stem cells;Androgenetic alopecia;Hair follicle;Secretome
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2022
Rank: M21
Publisher: MDPI
Journal: Experimental Dermatology
Volume: 31
Issue: 6
Start page: 936
End page: 942
Hair folliculogenesis and hair growth mediated by the secretory properties of white adipocytes may pave the way for the adipose-derived (AD) regenerative therapy for androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Quantitative and qualitative secretome profiling of AD stem cells (ADSCs) from different zones of hair growth in patients with AGA were analysed. 1-mm punch samples of adipose tissue associated with hair follicles, of three scalp areas (balding, non-balding and transition zones) and one periumbilical sample, were used for ADCS isolation. The ADCS secretome was analysed in conditioned media using a 41plex assay. Among the thirty-five signalling proteins analysed, the levels of VEGF, EGF, IL-6, Eotaxin, MCP-3, IFNγ-inducible protein-10 and MIP-1α were higher in the balding zone compared with the non-balding and periumbilical zones. In contrast, MCP-1 was the lowest in the balding zone in comparison with the other zones. The observed differences in the secretome suggest crosstalk between angiogenic and inflammatory processes underlying AGA aetiology and may prove relevant in both the diagnosis of AGA and the application of ADSC secretome for AGA treatment.
ISSN: 0906-6705
DOI: 10.1111/exd.14548
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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