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Title: Evaluation of growth and histology of liver and intestine in juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) fed extruded diets with or without fish meal
Authors: Marković, Zoran
Poleksić, Vesna
Lakić, Nada
Živić, Ivana 
Dulić, Zorka
Stanković, Marko
Spasić, Milan
Rašković, Božidar
Sorensen, Mette
Keywords: Carp;Extruded diet;Proteins origin;Replacement;Fish meal
Issue Date: 2012
Rank: M23
Publisher: Central Fisheries Research Inst, Trabzon
Journal: Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Start page: 301
End page: 308
Growth and histology of intestine and liver of carp fed diets with or devoid of fish meal (FM) was studied. Carp were fed four experimental diets formulated to contain 38% protein for 90 days. FM was incorporated at 30% in feed A, 15% in feed B and C, and was completely replaced with a mixture of plant proteins in feed D. Feed C and D were supplemented with methionine and lysine. The results showed that carp fed feed D had the lowest weight gain, length and height compared to the other three diets, whereas no differences were observed between A, B and C for the measured morphometric parameters. Inclusion of methionine and lysine tended to improve SGR of carp fed feed C compared to those fed feed B, but growth rate was lower than carp fed feed A. FCR differed for nearly 90% between the FM rich and solely plant protein diet. No major pathological changes were recorded. At the end of the study shortening of intestinal folds' length was found for all groups, except for fish fed feed D. The...
ISSN: 1303-2712
DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v12_2_15
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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