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Title: Faunistic and population studies of freshwater turtles in North Macedonia
Authors: Maričić, Marko 
Arsovski, Dragan
Bjelica, Vukašin 
Stojanovski, Dario
Frcovski, Edi
Golubović, Ana 
Tomović, Ljiljana 
Keywords: Chelonians;Conservation;Distribution;Syntopy
Issue Date: 15-Oct-2022
Rank: M34
Publisher: Macedonian Ecological Society
Conference: 6th Congress Of Ecologists Of The Republic Of North Macedonia, Ohrid, North Macedonia.
Chelonians are one of the most endangered groups of animals, as stated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) is recognized as Near Threatened (NT) globally, and the conservation status of the Balkan Pond Turtle (Mauremys rivulata) has not yet been globally assessed. Both species are noted in Annex II of the Bern Convention, as well as in Annexes II and IV of the EU Habitats Directive. International protection emphasizes the need to protect their habitats across the distribution range, along with strict regional protection of both species as taxа of interest to the community. In North Macedonia Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata are the only autochthonous freshwater turtle species, they are both recognized as Vulnerable (VU) and protected by the law. The distribution of both species in North Macedonia is generally known, but there are large gaps in their known area of occupancy. Thus, detailed and focused inspection of potentially favorable habitats, as well as checking past observations, can reveal the precise distribution of the species. In May of 2021, populations of Emys orbicularis were recorded in the Mariovo region in accumulations on Lozjanska and Kruševička rivers (v. Kruševica, Prilep), and in Lipov dol pond (v. Kalen, Prilep). Syntopic populations of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata were then recorded in the Jovanov izvor locality (v. Crničani, Dojran). Unfortunately, examination of Negorski Banji (v. Negorci, Gevgelija), a locality well-known for its population of Mauremys rivulata – indicated that the population might be currently extinct due to water captivation, and consequently habitat loss. Alongside faunistic research, the first mark-recapture population studies of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata were initiated in the vicinity of Dojran Lake, and in the Mariovo region (only Emys orbicularis). There are many known threats for freshwater turtles in North Macedonia, including habitat destruction, pesticide pollution, climate change effects, road mortality, collection for the pet trade, and introduction of alien invasive species (e. g. Pond Slider, Trachemys scripta). Ongoing research on the distribution, population structure, and conservation threats will provide useful insights into the actual state of freshwater turtle populations in North Macedonia. This information will aid the initiation of suitable and targeted conservation actions when needed.
ISBN: 978-9989-648-44-1
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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