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Title: Influence of vanadium on the growth and metabolism of Coprinellus truncorum fungal mycelium
Authors: Žižić, M.
Živić, M. 
Atlagić, K. 
Karaman, M.
Zakrzewska, J.
Keywords: Fungi;Phosphate metabolism;Vanadium;31P NMR spectroscopy;51V NMR spectroscopy
Issue Date: 26-Oct-2021
Rank: M33
Start page: 304
End page: 307
Conference: 1st International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics, Kragujevac, Serbia.
Fungi could absorb heavy metals, metalloids, or radionuclides, thus fungal species possess great potential in bioremediation. Since fungi absorb the vanadium, in the present study ability of Coprinellus truncorum mycelia for vanadate uptake and its intracellular metabolism were investigated. The submerged cultivated C. truncorum was exposed to a rising concentration of vanadate. 31P NMR spectrosco...
p. 304-307.
DOI: 10.46793/ICCBI21.304Z
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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