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Title: Primena RAPD metode u ekogenotoksikološkim istraživanjima – studija slučaja Sava i Dunav
Authors: Jovanović Marić, Jovana
Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta
Kolarević, Stoimir
Nikolić, Ivan 
Sunjog, Karolina
Paunović, Momir
Vuković-Gačić, Branka 
Keywords: RAPD analysis;Alburnus alburnus;Pollution of surface water.
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Rank: M63
Publisher: The Serbian Association for Water Protection
Journal: Voda
Start page: 99
End page: 104
In recent years the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method (RAPD) is frequently used in ecogenotoxicology. Within two case studies on the Sava River and the Danube River, muscle tissue of Alburnus alburnus (bleak) specimens sampled from nine sites was used for RAPD analysis. The RAPD results on the Sava River study indicate the grouping of specimens from polluted sites (UB and UK) as opposed to specimens from the less polluted site, SZ. The RAPD results of the Danube River case study do not show a clear bleak grouping in relation to pollution pressures, indicating that additional analyses are needed.
Zlatibor, Srbija, Zbornik radova
ISBN: 978-86-916753-8-7
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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