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Title: Extraordinary incidence and persistence of feral honey bees in urban environments of Belgrade (Serbia)
Other Titles: Incidenza straordinaria e persistenza di api mellifere ferali negli ambienti urbani di Belgrado (Serbia)
Authors: Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
Bila-Dubaić, Jovana 
Simonović, Slađan
Plećaš, Milan 
Davidović, Slobodan
Tanasković, Marija
Ćetković, Aleksandar 
Issue Date: May-2022
Rank: M34
Conference: The First international meeting APIS SILVATICA The western honey bee in nature, Palermo: Isola di Pantelleria Parco Nazionale
In the modern world managed bee species are necessary for the stability and sustainability of food production, of which the western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the best known and the single most important species (Kevan, 2007). Wild honey bees have largely become extinct throughout Europe since the 1980s, following the introduction of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and various pathogen...
pp. 29–31
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