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Title: Adaptive significance of amylase polymorphism in Drosophila. XII. Density- and frequency-dependent selection at the Amy locus in Drosophila subobscura reared on media with different carbohydrate composition
Authors: Andjelković, Marko
Savić, Tatjana
Milanović, Mirjana
Stamenković Radak, Marina 
Keywords: Amy-locus;Carbohydrate sources;Density-dependent selection;Drosophila subobscura;Frequency-dependent selection
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2003
Journal: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Egg-to-adult viability is studied in the progeny of the flies of different genotypes according to S and F alleles of Amy locus of Drsophila subobscura. This component of fitness is observed in the single and mixed cultures with various frequencies of three genotypes (S/S, F/F and S/F) under conditions of low (LD) and high densities (HD) on three types of media with different carbohydrate composition. In such multifactorial experimental conditions, density- and frequency-dependent selection on certain Amy genotypes was observed. Genotype frequencies and carbohydrate composition have significant effect on the viability of Amy genotypes. The significant intergenotypic differences exist, mostly at HD conditions. The heterozygous genotype S/F has generally lower viability which decreases with its increased frequencies, on all media at LD or HD. The results suggest a high level of complexity and interaction between these two types of balanced selection.
ISSN: 0947-5745
DOI: 10.1046/j.1439-0469.2003.00210.x
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