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Title: Establishment of ecological networks in Serbia – methodology and field research of vascular plants and mosses
Authors: Tomović, Gordana 
Anačkov, Goran
Bogdanović, A.
Bokić, Bojana
Buzurović, Uroš
Đorđević, Vladan 
Đurović, Sanja
Niketić, Marjan
Radak, Boris
Rat, Milica
Stojiljković, B.
Zlatković, Bojan
Pantović, Jovana 
Sabovljević, Marko 
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M34
Citation: Tomović, G., Anačkov, G., Bogdanović, A., Bokić, B., Buzurović, U., Djordjević, V., Djurović, S., Niketić, M., Radak, B., Rat, M., Stojiljković, B., Zlatković, B., Pantović, J., Sabovljević, M. (2022): Establishment of ecological networks in Serbia – methodology and field research of vascular plants and mosses. - 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 35.
Conference: 6th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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