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Title: Calorie restriction changes the anxiety-like behaviour of ageing male Wistar rats in an onset- and duration-dependent manner
Authors: Todorović, Smilja
Milanović, Desanka
Jović, Milena
Vujović, Predrag 
Kanazir, Selma
Prvulović, Milica
Keywords: Ageing;Calorie restriction;Anxiety;Dopamine receptors;Behaviour
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Rank: M21
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Milica Prvulovic, Smilja Todorovic, Desanka Milanovic, Milena Jovic, Predrag Vujovic, Selma Kanazir, Aleksandra Mladenovic, Calorie restriction changes the anxiety-like behaviour of ageing male Wistar rats in an onset- and duration-dependent manner, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Volume 204, 2022, 111666, ISSN 0047-6374,
Journal: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
Although initially recognized as a universally beneficial approach for the prevention of age-related impairments, the outcome of calorie restriction (CR) is now known to depend on several factors, most notably the age of the subject at the CR commencement, and CR duration. We aimed to examine if and how CR affects anxiety-like behaviour when it is introduced at middle age and late middle age. In addition, as the dopaminergic system is one of the main neurotransmitter systems involved in controlling anxiety, we examined the expression of dopamine receptors (D1R, D2R) in the cortex, striatum, and mesencephalon of male Wistar rats of varying ages. The study was performed on rats fed ad libitum (AL) or exposed to calorie restriction (60% of AL intake). Open field and light-dark tests were used to study anxiety-like behaviour, while PCR and Western blot were used to examine the expression of dopamine receptors. Calorie restriction implemented at middle-age led to variable outcomes on anxiety-like behaviour, while CR implemented at late middle age increased anxiety and decreased the availability of D2R levels in the cortex and mesencephalon. Taken together, these results advise caution when implementing calorie restriction late in life.
ISSN: 0047-6374
DOI: 10.1016/j.mad.2022.111666
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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