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Title: Impacts of small hydro power plant and fish pond on diatom community (Prištavica River, Serbia)
Authors: Jakovljević, Olga 
Popović, Slađana 
Krizmanić, Jelena 
Keywords: Small hydro power plant;Fish pond;Diatom community
Issue Date: 12-Nov-2020
Rank: M34
Start page: 177
Conference: IV Symposium of biologists and ecologists of Republic of Srpska - SBERS2020, Banja Luka, BiH.
The mountain streams are under increasing pressure due to the construction of
small hydro power plants (SHPs) and fish ponds (FPs). About 90 SHPs have
been built in Serbia so far, and a total of 850 are planned. Objective of this
study was to investigate the influence of SHP and FP on the spatial and
temporal distribution of diatom assemblages in the Prištavica River. Epilithic
samples were collected in July and October 2019 from 4 sites. SHP is located
between the sites 3 and 4 and FP between 1 and 2. Permanent slides were
made, and then qualitative and quantitative analysis of diatoms was
performed. The results suggest that construction of SHP and FP have
significant impact on physical and chemical water parameters which varied
among the sampling sites. A total of 78 diatom taxa belonging to 28 genera
were identified. Impact of SHP on diatom species diversity was noticed in
summer, when observed species diversity was significantly lower at site 4
compared to others. Sites directly after the FP and SHP (sites 2 and 4) were
distinguished by the same dominant species. Achnanthidium minutissimum
and Cocconeis euglypta were dominant taxa at these sites in summer and
Nitzschia amphibia in autumn. This indicates that both constructions built on
the Prištavica River have a similar impact on the diatom community structure
and thus probably on the water quality. Further research is necessary to
improve management strategies which will enable sustainability and diversity
of diatoms community as well as other aquatic organisms.
Book of abstracts, 177 pp.
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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