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Title: A biophysical approach to transcription factor binding site discovery
Authors: Đorđević, Marko 
Sengupta, Anirvan M.
Shraiman, Boris I.
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2003
Journal: Genome Research
Identification of transcription factor binding sites within regulatory segments of genomic DNA is an important step toward understanding of the regulatory circuits that control expression of genes. Here, we describe a novel bioinformatics method that bases classification of potential binding sites explicitly on the estimate of sequence-specific binding energy of a given transcription factor. The method also estimates the chemical potential of the factor that defines the threshold of binding. In contrast with the widely used information-theoretic weight matrix method, the new approach correctly describes saturation in the transcription factor/DNA binding probability. This results in a significant improvement in the number of expected false positives, particularly in the ubiquitous case of low-specificity factors. In the strong binding limit, the algorithm is related to the "support vector machine" approach to pattern recognition. The new method is used to identify likely genomic binding sites for the E. coli transcription factors collected in the DPInteract database. In addition, for CRP (a global regulatory factor), the likely regulatory modality (i.e., repressor or activator) of predicted binding sites is determined.
ISSN: 1088-9051
DOI: 10.1101/gr.1271603
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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