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Title: Nose - horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) – Conservation problems in Serbia and Montenegro
Authors: Ajtić, Rastko
Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka
Tomović, Ljiljana 
Issue Date: Sep-2005
Start page: 22
End page: 23
Conference: 13th Ordinary General Meeting of Societas Europaea Herpetologica
Until recently, the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) was not included in the national lists
of protected and/or controlled species in Serbia and Montenegro. Only few months ago, legal
control of the collecting of specimens was set, but only in Republic of Serbia. Adequate
legislation is still missing in Montenegro as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additional
problem occurred when the borders among mentioned ex-Yugoslav republics were established –
adequate and precise legislations concerning the trans-bordering import and export of specimens
from natural populations of this and other species have not been introduced. Furthermore, the
lack of educated custom officers still make the problems in establishing control of exploitation
of the nose-horned vipers. In 1993, the Institute for Immunology and Virusology “Torlak” in
Belgrade founded the program for antiviperinum producing. The lack of legislative disabled
continuous controlling of the effects of long-term collecting of specimens for these purposes,
from territory of Serbia, Montenegro as well as from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to lack of
population studies in our and neighbouring countries, conservation status of this species could
not be assessed. We present the first effects of implementations of new legislative of the
controlling the conditions for the antiviperinum serum production as well as our own
experiences in the field. We propose the measures that need to be introduced into sustainable
management of the natural populations of Vipera ammodytes in Serbia and Montenegro.
Book of Abstracts, p. 22-23
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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