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Title: Biologer – Growth of a database
Authors: Golubović, Ana 
Živanović, Nenad
Popović, Miloš
Keywords: reptiles;turtles;butterflies;Balkans;Serbia
Issue Date: 2018
Start page: 22
Conference: 3rd Balkan Rufford Small Grants Foundation Conference “Explore and protect the natural beauty of Balkans”
Citizen science in Serbia left much to be desired, especially considering generally attractive and fascinating
group – reptiles. is urged forming of Biologer, a database for collecting field observations about species
distribution, which includes web site and mobile phone application. Basic functionality of the software was
ready for use on late March 2018, which corresponded to lectures held for biology and ecology students at
three Universities, in Niš, Belgrade and Novi Sad. First version of mobile phone application was launched in
April, and was fast followed by novel, improved versions. In the beginning web software only allowed to
record field observations, but already in May data became visible via maps of distribution given in 10×10 km
squares, along with descriptions of species and photo galleries. Although database covers only several animal
groups (reptiles, amphibians and butterflies), number of entries grows fast, reaching up to 7000 entries in
period of first three months! In the same time period number of active users reached over 80, gathering
experienced biologists as well as students and nature enthusiasts. is torrent of distributional data already
enriched our knowledge about many species in Serbia. e software is open source and can easily be adopted
for use in the other countries. In collaboration with colleagues from Croatian Herpetological Society Hyla,
Biologer started expanding to one more data platform adapted for use in Croatia. e Serbian and Croatian
Biologer databases are compatible, and could be, in future, united to pan­Balkan database. Also, there is
room for expending number of taxa covered by the database and hopefully the dragonflies will soon be
included. Rufford Small Grant Foundation funded development of Biologer through two projects. It was
started from turtle related project of Ana Golubović, and further supported by a butterfly oriented project
granted to Miloš Popović. Constant expanding and development of the Biologer opens a great opportunity
for collaborations among teams working on Rufford projects on different groups and further networking
among Balkan countries.
3rd Balkan Rufford Small Grants Foundation Conference “Explore and protect the natural beauty of Balkans”,Silver Lake, Serbia, 27th-28th September 2018. Abstract book: p. 22.
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