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Title: A List of currently known ant species (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) of Mt. Stara Planina (Serbia)
Authors: Petrov, Ivan
Petrov, Brigita
Miličić, Dragana
Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara
Issue Date: Nov-2013
Start page: 455
End page: 452
Conference: Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv
24 species of ants known for the myrmecofauna of Mt. Stara Planina so far are presented. Among them genus Sifolinia Emery 1907 and the species Sifolinia laurae Emery 1907 were new for the myrmecofauna of Yugoslavia and were registered only at Mt. Stara Planina in Serbia by now (Petrov and Mesaro • , 1988). The record of Formica candida Smith 1878 is also the only record of that species in Serbia by now. INTRODUCTION Ants appear as very important active inhabitants of all terrestrial ecosystems. They have big influence on their environment which they actively change. "Together with Homo sapiens, the ants are one of the few animal groups that commonly manipulate and modify their immediate surroundings to suit their needs" (Bolton, 1994). In most terrestrial habitats ants are among the leading predators of other insects and small invertebrates (Wilson, 1971, Jeanne, 1979, Sörensen and Schmidt, 1987), and are good controllers of pest insects in their environment (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990). Ants are good farmers (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990), and good competitors to mammals in gathering seeds in deserts of southwestern part of the USA (Davidson et al., 1980). Ants are big altruists (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990). Although they are present everywhere and have a great importance, none myrmecologist appeared in Serbia before 20 th century, and only a few entomologists in the first half of the 20 th century paid attention to ants as insects and mentioned some species among other insect species.Therefore the statement of Hölldobler and Wilson (1990) that "ants are everywhere, but only occasionally noticed", is confirmed in Serbia.
Proceedings of Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology. Plovdiv University Press, Plovdiv (2), 445-452.
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