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Title: Changes in sclerenchyma cell walls related to stem twining in Dioscorea balcanica
Authors: Simonović Radosavljević, J.
Mitrović, A.Lj.
Bogdanović Pristov, J.
Radotić, K.
Janošević, D. 
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2019
Rank: M34
Citation: Simonović Radosavljević, J., Mitrović, A.Lj., Bogdanović Pristov J., Radotić K., Janošević D. (2019) Changes in sclerenchyma cell walls related to stem twining in Dioscorea balcanica. 13th Symphosium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Stara planina Mt. 20 to 23. June 2019, 135.
Project: Biotehnologija in vitro – gajene, lekovite i ugrožene vrste (OI173015)
Conference: 13th Symphosium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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