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Title: Population phenetic and epigenetic distinctiveness and developmental stability of Eurasian golden jackals in a south-east European area
Authors: Markov, Georgi
Heltai, Miklos
Nikolov, Ivan
Penezić, Aleksandra 
Lanszki, Jozsef
Ćirović, Duško 
Issue Date: 2-Nov-2018
Conference: 2nd International Jackal Symposium. 31 Oct- 2 Nov 2018. Attiki, Greece
This study describes the cranial epigenetic pattern of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus L.) populations in the core area of its expanding Southeast Eu-ropean range. We studied variations in 13 craniometric non-metric traits in skulls of 202 adult specimens of Golden Jackal collected from six populations in Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary, which expands from the Balkan Peninsula to the southeastern par...
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