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Title: In vitro antifungal activity of Pseudomonas synxantha against Monilinia laxa
Authors: Janakiev, Tamara 
Unković, Nikola 
Dimkić, Ivica 
Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica 
Stanković, Slaviša 
Berić, Tanja. 
Issue Date: 7-Jul-2019
Rank: M34
Conference: 8th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2019), Glasgow, Scotland.
Background: There is globally recognized necessity to find safe alternative for pesticide use. Using microorganisms with antagonistic activity against pathogens is one of the biocontrol strategies. Pseudomonas synxantha belongs to the P. fluorescens group comprising many members with biocontrol abilities. Monilinia laxa is fungal causative pathogen of brown rot disease of stone fruits.
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