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Title: Assessment of three microscopic techniques in observing morphology of pygidial glands of ground beetles
Authors: Nenadić, Marija 
Krmpot, Aleksandar
Vesović, Nikola 
Rabasović, Mihailo
Ćurčić, Srećko 
Pavlović, Danica
Lačković, Vesna
Savić-Šević, Svetlana
Pantelić, Dejan
Keywords: Pygidial glands;Ground beetles;Pygidial gland morphology;Insecta:;Coleoptera;Carabidae;Scanning electron microscopy;Two-photon excitation fluorescence;Conventional light microscopy
Issue Date: 29-Aug-2018
Conference: Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures ELMINA2018 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 27–29 August 2018.
Pygidial glands represent an exocrine glandular system situated in abdomen of ground beetles and other representatives of the suborder Adephaga within the order Coleoptera. This system plays a major role in the defense against predators by discharging its products (secretions) outwards. It includes two sets of secretory lobes, collecting canals, collecting reservoirs and efferent ducts. From a bio...
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