Stankivić, Srđan

Credit Name
Stankivić, Srđan
Full Name
Stankivić, Srđan
Stanković, Srđan
Stankovic, Srdjan
Stanković, Srdjan
Stankovic, Srdjan
Stanković, Srdjan
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Results 1-25 of 44 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 1-Feb-2024 | Bioleaching of a lateritic ore (Piauí, Brazil) in percolators | Stanković, Srđan ; Goldmann, Simon; Kraemer, Dennis; Ufer, Kristian; Schippers, Axel | M21 |
2 | Feb-2024 | Comparison of bioleaching of a sulfidic copper ore (chalcopyrite) in column percolators and in stirred-tank bioreactors including microbial community analysis | Bakhti, Azam; Moghimi, Hamid; Bozorg, Ali; Stanković, Srđan ; Manafi, Zahra; Schippers, Axel | M21 |
3 | 1-Jan-2024 | Bio-electrochemical potential and mineralogy of metal rich acid mining lake sediment: the “Robule” lake case study | Atanacković, N.; Zdravković, A.; Štrbački, J.; Kovač, S.; Živanović, V.; Batalović, K.; Stankivić, Srđan | M22 |
4 | 2024 | Goethite dissolution by acidophilic bacteria | Stankivić, Srđan ; Schippers, Axel | M21 |
5 | 20-Nov-2023 | Aerobic and anaerobic bioleaching of limonitic laterites from Barro Alto mine (Brazil) | Stankivić, Srđan ; Martin, Mirko; Goldmann, Simon; Gäbler, Hans-Eike; Haubrich, Frank; Fernandes Moutinho, Vivian; Giese, Ellen Cristine; Neumann, Reiner; Stropper, José Luciano; Stummeyer, Jens; Kaufhold, Stephan; Ufer, Kristian; Dohrmann, Reiner; Oxley, Anne; Marbler, Herwig; Schippers, Axel | M34 |
6 | 7-Jun-2023 | Perspectives of nickel laterite biohydrometallurgy | Stankivić, Srđan ; Hertz, S.; Schippers, A. | M31 |
7 | 1-Dec-2022 | A Multifocal Study Investigation of Pyrolyzed Printed Circuit Board Leaching | Jovanović, Gvozden; Bugarčić, Mladen; Petronijević, Nela; Stopic, Srecko R.; Friedrich, Bernd; Marković, Branislav; Stanković, Srđan ; Sokić, Miroslav | M21 |
8 | 20-Nov-2022 | Options for stirred-tank reactor bioleaching of nickel and cobalt from Brazilian laterite ores | Hetz, Stefanie A.; Stankivić, Srđan ; Schippers, Axel | M34 |
9 | 3-Oct-2022 | Combination of chemical and bioleaching process for Cu and Zn recovery from the SEDEX type ore | Conić, Vesna; Dragulović, Suzana; Božić, Dragana; Milanović, Dragan; Jovanović, Ivana; Stankivić, Srđan ; Avdalović, Jelena | M33 |
10 | 3-Oct-2022 | (2022)Correlation of Fe2+ with Cu2+ and Zn2+ in the bioleaching process | Conić, Vesna; Dragulović, Suzana; Božić, Dragana; Milanović, Dragan; Jovanović, Ivana; Stankivić, Srđan ; Avdalović, Jelena | M33 |
11 | 1-Oct-2022 | Analysis of the Mechanism of Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization Using Fly Ash as an Alternative Material: A Case Study of the Extremely Acidic Lake Robule in Eastern Serbia | Petronijević, Nela; Radovanović, Dragana; Štulović, Marija; Sokić, Miroslav; Jovanović, Gvozden; Kamberović, Željko; Stanković, Srđan ; Stopic, Srecko; Onjia, Antonije | M22 |
12 | 11-Sep-2022 | Mineralogy determines Co and Ni extraction from laterites via bioleaching and chemical leaching | Stankivić, Srđan ; Hetz, Stefanie; Goldmann, Simon; Gäbler, Hans-Eike; Ufer, Kristian; Martin, Mirko; Haubrich, Frank; Marbler, Herwig; Schippers, Axel | M34 |
13 | 30-Jun-2022 | Effect of mineralogy on Co and Ni extraction from Brazilian limonitic laterites via bioleaching and chemical leaching | Stanković, Srđan ; Martin, Mirko; Goldmann, Simon; Gäbler, Hans Eike; Ufer, Kristian; Haubrich, Frank; Moutinho, Vivian Fernandes; Giese, Ellen Cristine; Neumann, Reiner; Stropper, José Luciano; Stummeyer, Jens; Kaufhold, Stephan; Dohrmann, Reiner; Oxley, Anne; Marbler, Herwig; Schippers, Axel | M21 |
14 | 17-May-2022 | (Bio)leaching of stockpiled iron-rich laterites in percolators, (Re)mining extractive waste, a new business? | Stankivić, Srđan ; Hetz, S.; Schippers, A. | M34 |
15 | 16-May-2022 | The effect ultrasound sonification on nitric acid leaching of pyrolyzed printed circuit board powder | Jovanović, Gvozden; Bugarčić, Mladen; Petronijević, Nela; Stopić, Srećko; Marković, Branislav; Stanković, Srđan ; Friedrich, Bernd; Sokić, Miroslav | M34 |
16 | 1-May-2022 | Options for Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Ni-Co Lateritic Ores for Sustainable Supply of Nickel and Cobalt for European Battery Industry from South-Eastern Europe and Turkey | Stanković, Srđan ; Kamberović, Željko; Friedrich, Bernd; Stopić, Srećko R.; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Schippers, Axel | M21 |
17 | 2022 | Sustainable Mining and Acid Mine Water Treatment | Petronijević, N.; Jovanović, G.; Sokić, M.; Jovanović, A.; Radovanović, D.; Kamberović, Ž.; Stankivić, Srđan | M34 |
18 | 1-Jan-2020 | Investigation of the optimal technology for copper leaching from old flotation tailings of the copper mine bor (Serbia) | Conić, Vesna; Stanković, Srđan ; Marković, Branislav; Božić, Dragana; Stojanović, Jovica; Sokić, Miroslav | M24 |
19 | 1-Jan-2020 | Sustainable mining towards accomplishing circular economy principles | Petronijević, Nela; Alivojvodić, Vesna; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Stanković, Srđan ; Radovanović, Dragana | 24 |
20 | 1-Jan-2020 | Review of the past, present, and future of the hydrometallurgical production of nickel and cobalt from lateritic ores | Stanković, Srđan ; Stopić, Srećko; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Friedrich, Bernd | M24 |
21 | 1-Jan-2020 | Application of the flotation tailings as an alternative material for an acid mine drainage remediation: A case study of the extremely acidic lake robule (serbia) | Petronijević, Nela; Stanković, Srđan ; Radovanović, Dragana; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Stopić, Srećko R.; Kamberović, Željko | M21 |
22 | 1-Nov-2019 | Kinetics of chalcopyrite leaching by hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid | Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Stanković, Srđan ; Kamberović, Željko; Štrbac, Nada; Manojlović, Vaso; Petronijević, Nela | M21 |
23 | 16-Oct-2019 | Adaptation of the moderately thermophilic acidophilic bacteria for growth on flotation tailings as a growth substrate | Stankivić, Srđan ; Conić, Vesna; Sokić, Miroslav; Marković, Branislav; Dragulović, Suzana | M33 |
24 | 10-Oct-2019 | Causes and Consequences of Inadequate Biological Reclamation of Mine Lands: Case Study Bor (Serbia) | Ranđelović, Dragana; Stankivić, Srđan ; Šoštarić, Tatjana | M33 |
25 | 10-Oct-2019 | Improper Deposition of the Mining Waste as a Source of the Environmental Pollution: Case Study of the Lake Robule(Bor, Eastern Serbia) | Stankivić, Srđan ; Ranđelović, Dragana; Petronijević, Nela; Marković, Branislav; Sokić, Miroslav | M33 |