Rosić, Iva

Full Name
Rosić, Iva
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 13-Sep-2023 | Screening of AHL lactonase activity in Bacillus spp. strains isolated from different natural samples | Rosić, I. ; Nikolić, I. ; Ranković, T. ; Anteljević, M. ; Berić, T. ; Stanković, S. ; Medić, O. | M34 |
2 | 13-Sep-2023 | The presence of ice nucleation active Pseudomonas syringae in the Danube River Basin | Anteljević, M. ; Rosić, I. ; Ranković, T. ; Medić, O. ; Berić, T. ; Stanković, S. ; Nikolić, I. | M34 |
3 | 19-May-2023 | Occurrence of plant pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae in the Danube River Basin: abundance and diversity assessment | Anteljević, Marina ; Rosić, Iva ; Medić, Olja ; Kolarević, Stoimir ; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Nikolić, Ivan | M21 |
4 | 15-May-2023 | Population dynamics of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SS-38.4 in the phyllosphere of sugar beet and its biocontrol activity against Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata P21 | Rosić, Iva ; Anteljević, Marina ; Ranković, Tamara ; Nikolić, Ivan ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Berić, Tanja ; Medić, Olja | M34 |
5 | 15-May-2023 | Phylogenetic analysis of Pseudomonas syringae isolates from the Danube River Basin revealed association with past epidemics in Serbia | Anteljević, Marina ; Rosić, Iva ; Ranković, T. ; Medić, Olja ; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Nikolić, Ivan | M34 |
6 | 13-Feb-2023 | Genotyping-driven diversity assessment of biocontrol potent Bacillus spp. strain collection as a potential method for the development of strain-specific biomarkers | Rosić, Iva ; Nikolić, Ivan ; Ranković, Tamara ; Anteljević, Marina ; Medić, Olja ; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša | M23 |
7 | 21-Sep-2022 | Zastupljenost biljnog patogena Pseudomonas syringae u Uvačkim jezerima | Anteljević, M. ; Nikolić, I. ; Kolarević, S.; Rosić, I. ; Pavlović, T. ; Berić, T. ; Stanković, Slaviša. | M64 |
8 | 21-Sep-2022 | In vitro ispitivanje potencijala lipopeptidnih ekstrakata izolata Bacillus spp. za suzbijanje biljnog patogena Pseudomonas syringae | Rosić, I. ; Nikolić, I. ; Medić, O.; Pavlović, T. ; Anteljević, M. ; Berić, T. ; Stanković, S. | M64 |
9 | 3-Jul-2022 | Phylogenomic status of two P. syringae strains P16 and P21 with different pathogenicity isolated from sugar beet in Serbia | Nikolić, I. ; Pavlović, T. ; Rosić, I. ; Anteljević, M. ; Medić, O. ; Berić, T. ; Stanković, S. | M34 |