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Krizmanić, Imre
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Results 1-25 of 38 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
15-Sep-2022Is trophic differentiation of green frogs in Pelophylax ridibundus - P. esculentus - P. lessonae population systems in South Banat, Serbia related to habitat suitability?Breka, Katarina ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Stamenković, Srđan M34
25-Sep-2022Pseudotaeniolina globosa and Quambalaria cyanescens: Rare fungal species within the microbiome of green frogs’ integument (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in SerbiaBreka, Katarina ; Stupar, Miloš ; Stamenković, Srđan ; Savković, Željko ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica M34
36-Sep-2019Microbial community of green frog's skinBreka, Katarina ; Stupar, Miloš ; Vidaković Danijela; Ljaljević Grbić, Milica ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Stamenković, Srđan M34
46-Sep-2019Feeding habits of the water green frogs (Pelophylax esculenta complex) in R-E-L popularion systemsBreka, Katarina ; Plećaš, Milan ; Dudić, Boris ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Vesović, Nikola ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Stamenković, Srđan 
5Sep-2019Feeding habits of water green frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in R-E-L population systemsBreka, Katarina ; Plećaš, Milan ; Dudić, Boris ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Vesović, Nikola ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Stamenković, Srđan M34
625-Aug-2019Photoautotrophic and fungal biofilm constituents of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis L.) carapace from Deliblato sand (Serbia)Dimitrijević, Jelica ; Stupar, Miloš ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Šovran, Sanja ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Krizmanić, Jelena M34
725-Aug-2019Green frogs skin harbours microbiota treasureKrizmanić, Jelena ; Stupar, Miloš ; Ljaljević Grbić, Milica ; Dimitrijević, Jelica ; Vidaković Danijela; Stamenković, Srđan ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Breka, Katarina M34
825-Sep-2018Зелене жабе g. Pelophylax (Ranidae, Anura) у СрбијиКризманић, И. M64
910-Sep-2018Diatoms on the Carapace of European Pond Turtle (Emys Orbicularis L.) in VojvodinaVidaković, Danijela; Dimitrijević, Jelica ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Krizmanić, Jelena M34
10Sep-2018Zelene žabe g. Pelophylax (Ranidae, Anura) u SrbijiKrizmanić, Imre 
112-Jun-2017Antioxidative defense system in liver of adult and subadult Bufotes viridis frogsNasia, M.; Gavrilović, B.; Krizmanić, I. ; Gavrić, J.; Prokić, M.; Borković Mitić, S.; Pavlović, S.; Despotović, S.; Radovanović, T.; Saičić, Z.M34
122-Jun-2017Heavy metals, oxidative stress and their relationship in Pelophylax ridibundus frogs during pre- and posthibernation periodProkić, D. M.; Gavrilović, R. B.; Krizmanić, I. I. ; Gavrić, P. J.; Nasia, M.; Borković-Mitić, M.; Pavlović, Z. S.; Despotović, G. S.; Radovanović, B. T.; Saičić, S. Z.M34
1322-Mar-2017Diatoms on the Green Frogs Skin (Pelophylax esculentus and P. Ridibundus)Krizmanić, J. ; Vidaković, D.; Stupar, M. ; Ljaljević-Grbić, M. ; Krizmanić, I. ; Stamenković, S,. ; Breka, K. M34
1419-Oct-2016Preliminary investigation of the distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in SerbiaKrizmanić, Imre ; Mali, Ivana; Ajtić, Rastko; Villamizar-Gomez, Andrea; Forstner, MichaelM34
15Apr-2016Лов у рамсарским подручјима – „Лабудово окно” (СРП „Делиблатска пешчара”) – Hunting ground in Ramsar site „Labudovo okno” (SNR „Deliblatska peščara”).Delić, Ј.; Krizmanić, I. M33
16Apr-2016Hunting ground in Ramsar site „Labudovo okno” (SNR „Deliblatska peščara”)Delić, Jadranka; Krizmanić, Imre 
177-Oct-2015The role of mtDNA diversity in daptations of hybrid water frog (Pelophylax spp.) populations from Southeast EuropeRadojičić, M. J.; Krizmanić, I. ; Zouros, E.M34
1818-Sep-2015Threatening levels and extinction risks based on distributional, ecological and life-history datasets (DELH) versus IUCN criteria – example of Serbian reptilesTomović, Ljiljana ; Urošević, Aleksandar; Vukov, Tanja; Ajtić, Rastko; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Krizmanić, Imre ; Jović, Danko; Labus, Nenad; Đorđević, Sonja ; Kalezić, Miloš L.; Džukić, Georg; Luiselli, LucaM34
1919-Aug-2015Results of project of DNA sampling of Emys orbicularis in Serbia – conservation issuesTomović, Ljiljana ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana M34
202015The role of mtDNA diversity in adaptations of hybrid water frog (Pelophylax spp.) populations from Southeast EuropeRadojičić, Jelena; Krizmanić, Imre ; Zouros, Eleftherios
2124-Oct-2013New Approaches to Teaching Biology – An Interdisciplinary Workshop Designed for Teachers in Primary SchoolsMiličić, Dragana ; Drndarski, M.; Stanković, S.; Lazić, Z.; Holod, A.; Krizmanić, I. ; Subakov-Simić, G. M34
2224-May-2013Спирале и зечеви – Фибоначи и златни пресек у интердисциплинарној наставиМиличић, Д. ; Дрндарски, М.; Кризманић, И. ; Субаков Симић, Г. ; Холод, А.; Лазић, З.; Станковић, С.M64
232013Spirale i zečevi – Fibonači i zlatni presek u interdisciplinarnoj nastaviMiličić, Dragana ; Drndarski, M.; Krizmanić, Imre ; Subakov-Simić, G.; Holod, A.; Lazić, Z.; Stanković, S.
244-Oct-2011Influence of Invasive Alien Fish Species in Declared Natural Fish Spawning Site ''Labudovo Okno'' (Danube River, Republic of Serbia)Simonović, Predrag ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Nikolić, Vera ; Miličić, Dragana ; Delić, J.; Škorić, S.; Tošić, Ana ; Škraba, Dubravka M34
252011Possibility of use essential oils instead antibiotics in organic aquacultureNikolić, Vera ; Škraba, Dubravka ; Simonović, Predrag ; Tošić, Ana ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Dajić Stevanović, Zora