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Berić, Tanja
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Results 76-100 of 121 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
761-Dec-2016Licheniocin 50.2 and bacteriocins from Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis biovar. Diacetylactis BGBU1-4 Inhibit Biofilms of coagulase negative staphylococci and Listeria monocytogenes clinical isolatesCirkovic, Ivana; Bozic, Dragana D.; Draganic, Veselin; Lozo, Jelena ; Berić, Tanja ; Kojic, Milan; Arsic, Biljana; Garalejic, Eliana; Djukic, Slobodanka; Stanković, Slaviša 
771-Jun-2016Antimicrobial activity of Serbian propolis evaluated by means of MIC, HPTLC, bioautography and chemometricsRistivojević, Petar; Dimkić, Ivica ; Trifković, Jelena; Berić, Tanja ; Vovk, Irena; Milojkovič-Opsenica, Dušanka; Stanković, Slaviša M21
7813-Apr-2016The growth kinetics of phytopathogenic bacteria in the presence of lipopeptide extractsDimkić, Ivica ; Vojnović, S.; Pavić, A.; Berić, Tanja ; Nikolić, I.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe M34
791-Jan-2016Determination of cyclodextrin production by cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase from alkalophilic bacillus circulans strain B-65Stanković, Slaviša ; Pešic, Dragan; Berić, Tanja ; Simic, Draga
801-Jan-2016Isolation and identification of Bacillus spp. From compost material, compost and mushroom casing soil active against Trichoderma sppStanojević, Olja ; Milijašević-Marčić, Svetlana; Potočnik, Ivana; Stepanović, Miloš; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Berić, Tanja M23
812016Diversity of Bacillus spp. strains during Agaricus bisporus substrate production and their antagonistic activity against four Trichoderma speciesStanojević, O.; Milijašević-Marčić, S.; Potočnik, I.; Stepanović, M.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Berić, Tanja M34
8214-Dec-2015In vitro antifungal potential of Bacillus spp. isolates as biocontrol agentsDimkić, I. ; Stević, T.; Berić, T. ; Nikolić, I. ; Janakiev, T. ; Fira, Đ. ; Stanković, S. M52
8322-Oct-2015Phenolic profile analyzes and in situ examination of antimicrobial activity of resins from buds of woody plantsJanakiev, Tamara ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Ristivojević, Petar; Trifković, Jelena; Opsenica-Milojković, Dušanka; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
8422-Oct-2015In vitro examination of antagonistic activity and potential synergistic effects of Bacillus sp. lipopeptide extract and essential oilsBerić, Tanja ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stević, Tatjana; Nikolić, Ivan ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
851-Aug-2015Additive and synergistic effects of Bacillus spp. isolates and essential oils on the control of phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi from medicinal plants and marigold seedsDimkić, Ivica ; Berić, Tanja ; Stević, Tatjana; Pavlović, Snežana; Šavikin, Katarina; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M21
867-Jun-2015In vitro assessment of antibacterial activity of resins from some woody plant buds and synergistic effect between standard phenolic compoundsDimkić, Ivica ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Berić, Tanja ; Ristivojević, Petar; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
871-Jan-2015Microbiota associated with pollen, bee bread, larvae and adults of solitary bee Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)Lozo, Jelena ; Berić, Tanja ; Terzić-Vidojević, A.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
88Jan-2015The quality of water from artesian drinking fountains in the city of ZaječarVučković, M.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Marušić, V.; Stević, T.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Berić, Tanja M51
892015Bacillus spp. isolates – future in plant protectionDimkić, Ivica ; Berić, Tanja ; Stević, Tatjana; Šević, Dijana; Ivanović, Žarko; Živković, Svetlana; Gavrilović, Veljko; Nikolić, Ivan ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Lozo, Jelena ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe M64
902015Protective effect of lipopeptide extracts from Bacillus sp. isolates on leaves of Arabidopsis and sugar beet infected with bacterial pathogen in plantaDimkić, Ivica ; Nikolić, I.; Ivanović, Ž.; Berić, Tanja ; Popović, T.; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
912015Genetic diversity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata in Serbia determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresisNikolić, I.; Kojić, M.; Popović, T.; Ivanović, Ž.; Stojšin, V.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Berić, Tanja ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
922015Screening of antimicrobial activity of bacterial isolates from different habitatsDimkić, Ivica ; Biočanin, M.; Stevović, T.; Lozo, Jelena ; Berić, Tanja ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
932015Genetic diversity and antibiotic susceptibility of Bacillus sp. soil, manure and straw isolates from SerbiaBiočanin, M.; Lozo, Jelena ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Šević, D.; Fira, Đorđe ; Berić, Tanja M34
942015Propolis i smola od drvenastih biljaka iz Srbije kao izvori antimikrobnih supstanciStanković, Slaviša ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Berić, Tanja M62
952015Identification of antimicrobial lipopeptides of Bacillus strains obtained by different ways of extraction using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometryDimkić, Ivica ; Nišavić, M.; Petković, M.; Berić, Tanja ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša M34
962015Determination of genetic diversity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata by BOX PCR genomic fingerprintingNikolić, I.; Ivanović, Ž.; Popović, T.; Berić, Tanja ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša M64
971-Jan-2014Antifungal activity of selected essential oils against fungi isolated from medicinal plantStević, Tatjana; Berić, Tanja ; Šavikin, Katarina; Soković, Marina; Godevac, Dejan; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stanković, Slaviša M21a
981-Jan-2014Novel antilisterial bacteriocin licheniocin 50.2 from Bacillus licheniformis VPS50.2 isolated from soil sampleBerić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Draganić, V.; Kojić, M; Lozo, Jelena ; Fira, Đorđe 
992014Chemical composition and inhibitory activity of selected essential oils against fungi isolated from medicinal plantsStevic, Tatjana; Stanković, Slaviša ; Savikin, Katarina; Godjevac, Dejan; Dimkić, Ivica ; Sokovic, Marina; Berić, Tanja M52
1002014Application of indirect bioautography for the study of Serbian propolisDimkić, Ivica ; Ristivojević, P.; Berić, Tanja ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Milojković-Opsenica, D.M34