Tomović, Gordana

Full Name
Tomović, Gordana
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Results 1-25 of 30 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | Jul-2024 | Herbarium to field journey in the discovery of a novel zinc hyperaccumulator - Cardamine waldsteinii | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Echevarria, Guillaume; Baker, J.M. Alan; Bogdanović, Sandro; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony | M34 |
2 | 18-Sep-2023 | Nomenclatural notes for the twelve names related to Stachys recta group (Lamiaceae) | Đurović, S.; Ranimirović, M. ; Tomović, G. ; Niketić, M. | M34 |
3 | Jun-2023 | XRF ionomics of herbarium specimens from the Balkan Peninsula | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Tomović, Gordana ; Baker, Alan, J. M.; van der Ent, Antony; Echevarria, Guillaume | M34 |
4 | Sep-2022 | Prilog poznavanju zaštićenih biljnih vrsta zabeleženih na planinama Veliki krš, Mali krš i Stol, u severoistočnoj Srbiji | Buzurović, Uroš; Đurović, Sanja; Tomović, Gordana | M64 |
5 | Jul-2022 | Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in Noccaea kovatsii and N. praecox (Brassicaceae) from different geological substrates and their physiological responses to Ni | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Mišić, Danijela; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M34 |
6 | Jul-2022 | Accumulation of manganese in Euphorbia glabriflora studied in situ and by the portable XRF herbarium scanning | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Echevarria, Guillaume; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Stevanoski, Ivana ; Tomović, Gordana ; Andrejić, Gordana; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M34 |
7 | Jul-2022 | New Zn hyperaccumulator within the genus Cardamine revealed by portable XRF herbarium scanning | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony; Baker, Alan J.M.; Echevarria, Guillaume | M34 |
8 | Jul-2022 | Hyperaccumulator plant species from the Balkan Peninsula | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Bani, Aida; Pavlova, Dolja; Konstantinou, Maria; Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony; Morel, Jean-Louis; Reeves, Roger, D.; Baker, Alan J.M.; Echevarria, Guillaume | M34 |
9 | Jun-2022 | Metal hyperaccumulation in plants: State of knowledge and potential for future research | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; Baker, Alan J.M.; van der Ent, Antony; Echevarria, Guillaume | M32 |
10 | Jun-2022 | Morphological variability of Armeria species from Serbia and Bulgaria | Buzurović, Uroš; Milivojević, Lazar ; Niketić, Marjan; Đurović, Sanja; Tomović, Gordana | M34 |
11 | Jun-2022 | Metal accumulation in selected Scleranthus species (Caryophyllaceae) from different types of geological substrates in Serbia | Aleksić, Uroš; Lazarević, Maja ; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Andrejić, Gordana; Lazarević, Predrag ; Tomović, Gordana | M34 |
12 | May-2022 | The first data about moss Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. (Dicranaceae) in bryophyte flora of Serbia | Dragićević, Snežana; Vuksanović, Snežana; Tomović, Gordana ; Niketić, Marjan; Buzurović, Uroš; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Ćetković, Ilinka; Glasnović, Petar | M34 |
13 | 2022 | Distribution of Euphorbia sect. Helioscopia Dumort. (Euphorbiaceae) based on the data in Herbarium collections in Belgrade | Ranimirović, Milana ; Đurović, Sanja; Tomović, Gordana ; Niketić, Marjan | M34 |
14 | 2022 | New ultramafic findings and new species in the flora of Montenegro | Vuksanović, Snežana; Tomović, Gordana ; Niketić, Marjan; Buzurović, Uroš; Dragićević, Snežana; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Ćetković, Ilinka | M34 |
15 | 2022 | Establishment of ecological networks in Serbia – methodology and field research of vascular plants and mosses | Tomović, Gordana ; Anačkov, Goran; Bogdanović, A.; Bokić, Bojana; Buzurović, Uroš; Đorđević, Vladan ; Đurović, Sanja; Niketić, Marjan; Radak, Boris; Rat, Milica; Stojiljković, B.; Zlatković, Bojan; Pantović, Jovana ; Sabovljević, Marko | M34 |
16 | 2022 | Centaurea ozrenii (Asteraceae) ‒ a new and extremely rare species from Serbia | Niketić, Marjan; Tomović, Gordana ; Buzurović, Uroš; Vuksanović, Snežana; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Lazarević, Maja ; Dragićević, Snežana | M34 |
17 | 30-Sep-2021 | Opportunities for Ni phytomining in Serbia: extraction of nickel salts from the hyperaccumulating plant Odontarrhena muralis | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Marković, Branislav; Ranđelović, Dragana; Jovanović, G.; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Tomović, Gordana ; Sokić, M. | M34 |
18 | 2019 | Spatiotemporal diversification of Cerastium decalvans subsp. decalvans, C. dinaricum and C. grandiflorum (Caryophyllaceae) in the Dinaric Alps | Đurović, Sanja; Temunović, M.; Tomović, Gordana ; Niketić, Marjan; Schönswetter, P.; Frajman, B. | |
19 | 2019 | Karyology of the genus Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula | Buzurović, U.; Tomović, Gordana ; Niketić, M.; Lazarević, Maja | |
20 | 2019 | Trace elements contents and accumulation in soils and five plant species of the genus Viola L. sect. Melanium, from the ultramafic and non-ultramafic substrates of Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina | Tomović, Gordana ; Đurović, Sanja; Buzurović, U.; Niketić, M.; Milanović, Đ.; Mihailović, N.; Jakovljević, Ksenija | |
21 | 2019 | Trace elements profiles of the psedometallophyte Plantago holosteum from ultramafic and nonultramafic sites in Serbia and Montenegro | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Mihailović, N.; Jovanović, Slobodan ; Tomović, Gordana | |
22 | Oct-2016 | Heavy metal contents in soils and plants of Viola kopaonikensis Pančić ex Tomović & Niketić and V. tricolor L. from eight ultramafic sites in Serbi | Tomović, Gordana ; Đurović, Sanja; Raičević, Jovana ; Niketić, Marjan; Mihailović, Nevena; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M34 |
23 | Oct-2016 | Examining heavy metal accumulation potential of Viscaria vulgaris Bernh. (Caryophyllaceae) from four ultramafic localities in Serbia | Đurović, Sanja; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Popadić, Mirjana; Buzurović, Uroš; Mihailović, Nevena; Tomović, Gordana | M34 |
24 | 2016 | Distribution and conservation statust of selected relict steppe species in Serbia | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Tomović, Gordana ; Stevanović, Vladimir | M34 |
25 | 2015 | Heavy metal content in soil and their accumulation in Pontechium maculatum (L.) Bohle & Hilger (Boraginaceae) from several ultramafic localities in Serbia | Đurović, Sanja; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Antušević, Mina; Mihailović, Nevena; Tomović, Gordana | M64 |