Petrović, Anđeljko

Full Name
Petrović, Anđeljko
Petrovic, Andjeljko
Petrović, A.
Petrovic, A.
Petrović, A.
Petrovic, A.
Main Affiliation

Date issued
Results 26-50 of 62 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
26 | 3-Jul-2019 | Charipinae (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) of Serbia – Distribution and trophic interactions. | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko ; Ferrer-Suay, Mar | |
27 | 18-Mar-2019 | Integrative taxonomy of root aphid parasitoids from the genus paralipsis (hymenoptera, braconidae, aphidiinae) with description of new species | Mitrovic, Milana; Starý, Petr; Jakovljevic, Miljana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Žikic, Vladimir; Pérez Hidalgo, Nicolás; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
28 | 11-Mar-2019 | Hidden in plain sight: phylogeography of an overlooked parasitoid species Trioxys sunnysidensis Fulbright & Pike (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Petrović, Andjeljko ; Kocić, Korana ; Ye, Zhengpei; Vollhardt, Ines M.G.; Hebert, Paul D.N.; Traugott, Michael; Tomanović, Željko | M21 |
29 | 29-Jan-2019 | On the first non-type locality finding of Duvalius (Paraduvalius) stankovitchi georgevitchi (Jeannel, 1923) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) | Vrbica, Maja ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Antić, Dragan ; Stojanović, Dejan; Ćurčić, Srećko | M50 |
30 | 2019 | Resolving the taxonomic status of biocontrol agents belonging to the Aphidius eadyi species group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae): an integrative approach | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Ghaliow, Mustafa E.; Ivanović, Ana ; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Starý, Petr; Tomanović, Željko | M21 |
6 | 13-Dec-2017 | The genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch, 1923 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) in Serbia: taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogeny | Vrbica, Maja ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Pantelić, Dejan; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Rabasović, Mihailo; Pavlović, Danica; Jovanić, Svetlana; Guéorguiev, Borislav; Goranov, Stoyan; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Ćurčić, Srećko | M21a |
7 | 1-Aug-2017 | Molecular substitution rate increases with latitude in butterflies: evidence for a trans-glacial latitudinal layering of populations? | Schär, Sämi; Vila, Roger; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko ; Pierce, Naomi E.; Nash, David R. | M21 |
8 | 1-Feb-2017 | Functional role of different habitat types at local and landscape scales for aphids and their natural enemies | Janković, Marina; Plećaš, Milan ; Sandić, D.; Popović, Anđelka ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Petrović-Obradović, O.; Tomanović, Željko ; Gagić, Vesna | |
9 | 1-Jan-2017 | First record of Aphidius ericaphidis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in Europe: North American hitchhiker or overlooked Holarctic citizen? | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Jamhour, Aiman; Petrovic-Obradovic, Olivera; Mitrovic, Milana; Starý, Petr; Nedstam, Barbro; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
10 | 1-Dec-2016 | High genetic diversity and a new cryptic species within the Ephedrus persicae species group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Kocić, Korana ; Kos, Katarina; Plećaš, Milan ; Žikić, Vladimir; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko | |
11 | 24-Oct-2016 | Re-visiting the Aphidius urticae s. str. group: re-description of Aphidius rubi Starý and A. silvaticus Starý (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Jamhour, Aiman; Mitrović, Milana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Starý, Petr; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
12 | 7-Oct-2016 | Wing shape as a taxonomic trait: Separating genetic variation from host-induced plasticity in aphid parasitoids | Parreño, Maria Alejandra; Ivanović, Ana ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko ; Vorburger, Christoph | |
13 | 1-May-2016 | Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of aphids feeding on ornamental trees in southeastern Europe: Key for identification and tritrophic associations | Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Kocić, Korana ; Janković, Marina; Starý, Petr | M22 |
14 | 14-Dec-2015 | Phylogeography of the southern medicinal leech, Hirudo verbana: A reply to Utevsky and Trontelj | Živić, Ivana ; Radosavljević, Tijana; Stojanović, Katarina ; Petrović, Anđeljko | M22 |
15 | Jun-2015 | First detection of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) in Serbia: An introduced species invading Europe? | Žikić, Vladimir; Stanković, Saša S.; Ilić Milošević, Marijana; Petrović-Obradović, Olivera; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Stary, Petr; Tomanović, Željko | M21 |
16 | 1-May-2015 | Taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships of the genera and species euaphidius and remaudierea (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) analyzed using molecular markers and geometric morphometrics | Milošević, Marijana Ilić; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Stanković, Saša S.; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Starý, Petr; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
17 | 14-Jan-2015 | Revision of the world Monoctonia Starý, parasitoids of gall aphids: taxonomy, distribution, host range, and phylogeny (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Rakhshani, Ehsan; Starý, Petr; Hidalgo, Nicolás Pérez; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Moghaddam, Mostafa Ghafouri; Tomanović, Snežana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
18 | 1-Jan-2015 | Genetic and morphological variation in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus - An apparent link between wing shape and reproductive mode | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Ivanović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Starý, Petr; Bogdanović, Ana Mitrovski; Tomanović, Željko ; Vorburger, Christoph | M22 |
19 | 1-Jan-2015 | Morphological and molecular characterization of common European species of Adialytus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) based on the mtCOI barcoding gene and geometric morphometrics of forewings | Stanković, Saša S.; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Ilić Milošević, Marijana; Starý, Petr; Kavalljeratos, Nickolas G.; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
20 | 1-Sep-2014 | Sexual dimorphism in the parasitoid wasps aphidius balcanicus, aphidius rosae, and aphidius urticae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko ; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Bogdanović, Ana Mitrovski; Starý, Petr; Ivanović, Ana | M22 |
21 | 1-May-2014 | Molecular and morphological variability within the Aphidius colemani group with redescription of Aphidius platensis Brethes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Tomanović, Željko ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Starý, Petr; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Rakhshanipour, Mansoureh; Popović, Anđelka ; Shukshuk, A. H.; Ivanović, Ana | M21 |
22 | May-2014 | Agriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832, a parasitoid of Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781: the first record for the Balkan Peninsula | Stojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Ivana ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Djordjević, Jelena; Marković, Z.; Žikić, Vladimir | M23 |
23 | 1-Apr-2014 | The Praon dorsale-yomenae s.str. complex (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): Species discrimination using geometric morphometrics and molecular markers with description of a new species | Mitrovski-Bogdanović, Ana; Tomanović, Željko ; Mitrović, Milana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Ivanović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Starý, Petr; Vorburger, Christoph | M21 |
24 | 1-Mar-2013 | Identification of two cryptic species within the praon abjectum group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) using molecular markers and geometric morphometrics | Mitrovski-Bogdanović, Ana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Ivanović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Starý, Petr; Vorburger, Christoph; Tomanović, Željko | M22 |
25 | 1-Mar-2013 | The relationship between molecular variation and variation in the wing shape of three aphid parasitoid species: Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani Perez and Aphidius avenaphis (Fitch) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) | Tomanović, Željko ; Kos, Katarina; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Starý, Petr; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Žikić, Vladimir; Jakše, Jernej; Trdan, Stanislav; Ivanović, Ana | M21 |