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Cvetković, Dragana
Cvetković, Dragana D.
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Results 1-25 of 26 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
12024Evaluation of cytotoxic, genotoxic and antioxidant properties of Agrimonia eupatoria aqueous-ethanolic extractAnđić, Tamara ; Nikolić, Biljana ; Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana ; Vuletić, Stefana ; Ganić, Tea ; Ignjatijević, Ana ; Džamić, Ana ; Žarković, Lazar ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
213-Oct-2019Analysis of LMNB1 gene in Serbian patients with autosomal dominant leukodystrophyJanković, M; Ječmenica-Lukić, M; Pavlović, A; Vojvodić, Lj; Cvetković, Dragana ; Novaković; Kostić, V
313-Oct-2019Analysis of PGC1α gene polymorphism in colorectal cancer patientsAjaj, E. Mohamed; Gulić, M; Maksimović, N; Cvetković, Dragana ; Krivokapić, Z; Ristanović, M
413-Oct-2019Analysis of ATP7B gene in Serbian patients with Wilson disease: 10 years experienceMarjanović, A; Jović, K; Dobričić, V; Branković, M; Janković, M; Tomić, A; Cvetković, Dragana ; Svetel, M; Novaković, I; Kostić, V
524-Aug-2019„Fretted with golden fire“: structural colouration based on micron and sub-micron structures in selected insectsPantelić, Dejan; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Stojanović, Dejan; Cvetković, Dragana ; Rabasović, Mihailo; Savić-Šević, Svetlana; Pavlović, Danica; Lazović, Vladimir
619-Aug-2019Gender-specific variation in leaf shape under environmental stress in an understorey forest perennialCvetković, Dragana ; Vujić, Vukica ; Adnađević, Tanja; Miljković, DanijelaM34
710-Sep-2018Within-plant variation of developmental instability in male and female Mercurialis perennis in contrasting light habitatsCvetković, Dragana ; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Vlajnić, Lea ; Miljković, DanijelaM34
89-Jun-2018Developmental instability and herbivore damage in a dioecious forest forb from contrasting light habitatsCvetković, Dragana ; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Čortan, D.; Miljković, D.
920-Aug-2017Ontogenetic stage, plant vigor and sex mediate herbivory loads in dioecious Mercurialis perennisCvetković, Dragana ; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, SvetlanaM34
1019-Oct-2016Intraspecific variation in defense against herbivores in an understorey forb: exploring spatial and temporal patternsSelaković, Sara ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Vujić, Vukica ; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
1119-Oct-2016Differential herbivory on dioecious forest perennial: light-biased, sex-biased or both?Cvetković, Dragana ; Selaković, Sara ; Stanisavjević, Nemanja; Vujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana M34
1210-Aug-2015The tastier sex? Herbivore preference varies among the habitats of Mercurialis perennisRubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica ; Selaković, Sara ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
1317-Jun-2015Herbivore load in a montane population of a dioecious forest forb: Is gender important?Rubinjoni, Luka; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
1417-Jun-2015Exploring the leaf shape variation under anthropogenic disturbance in dioecious forest forb (Mercurialis perennis): a geometric morphometric approachVujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Selaković, Sara ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
1528-Sep-2014The more the better' concept, genome size and plant – insect herbivore interactionsRubinjoni, Luka; Selaković, Sara; Vujić, Vukica ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
1619-Aug-2013New approach to old vertebrae – a morphometric comparison of Miocene and extant snakesCvetković, Dragana ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica ; Đurić, D.M34
1719-Aug-2013Boys and girls and plant-eaters: Is herbivory sex-biased in Mercurialis perennis?Rubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica ; Selaković, Sara ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
184-Jun-2013A matter of taste: the consequences of having separate sexes on plant-herbivore interactionsRubinjoni, Luka; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
194-Jun-2013Geometric morphometric study of leaf shape variation in Mercurialis perennisVujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Selaković, Sara ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
206-Jul-2012Exploring the effect of spatial relations on life history variation of Mercurialis perennis, a dioecious perennial herbRubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica ; Cvetković, Dragana M34
219-May-2012Small scale patterns of variation in genome size in montane populations of a widespread perennial plantCvetković, Dragana ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica M34
2212-Sep-2011Miocene snake fauna from Vračević (Serbia): morphometric analysisĐurić, D.; Cvetković, Dragana ; Vujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, LukaM34
2313-Jun-2011Evolutionary ecological studies on sexually dimorphic plants: Mercurialis perennis L. as a model systemJovanović, V.; Rubinjoni, Luka; Vujić, Vukica ; Cvetković, Dragana M64
2417-Jun-2010Reproductive allocation along the altitudinal gradient in a dioecious plantCvetković, D. ; Nenadović, J.; Vujić, V. ; Jovanović, V.M64
25Jun-201010th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regionsCvetković, Dragana ; Nenadović, J.; Vujić, Vukica ; Jovanović, V.M64