Chair of Plant Morphology and Systematics
Organization name
Chair of Plant Morphology and Systematics
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 239 2020 - 2025
- 399 2010 - 2019
- 191 2000 - 2009
- 69 1990 - 1999
- 11 1980 - 1989
- 395 Article
- 16 Journal Article
- 10 Other
- 6 Book Chapter
- 1 Book
- 1 Book Chapter
- 423 No Fulltext
- 6 With Fulltext
Results 801-850 of 909 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
801 | 1-Jan-2001 | Antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja Valeriana officinalis L. | Džamić, Ana ; Ristić, Mihailo; Soković, Marina; Marin, Petar | |
802 | 2001 | The comparison of anatomical structure of Helianthus annuus, H. rigidus and their progenies | Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
803 | 2001 | Mosses of some springs of the Morača river basin | Milikić, S.; Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B. | |
804 | 2001 | Bryophlora of some well springs of the Dinaric Alps and Carpatian Karst in Serbia | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Boža, P; Petković, B | |
805 | 2001 | Bryophyte flora of some springs on Bistrica River in southwest Serbia | Ljubić, B.; Veljić, Milan ; Petković, B.; Marin, Petar | |
806 | 2001 | Chorological and ecological analysis of the bryophyte flora of the Uvac river (Serbia) | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B.; Ljubić, B | |
807 | 2001 | Morphometric investigation of the needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in industrial environment of Pančevo | Marin, Marija ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Marin, Petar | M51 |
808 | 2001 | Development of reproductive structures of Phomopsis helianthi Munt.-Cvet. et al. and Phoma macdonaldii Boerema on sunflower seeds | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Lačok, N. | M24 |
809 | 2001 | Mycelial growth of edible and medicinal oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kumm. on selenium-enriched media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Milenković, I.; Brčeski, I.; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M23 |
810 | 2001 | Vaskularna flora Blačkog jezera i okoline | Perišić, S.; Petković, B; Karadžić, B.; Marin, Petar ; Veljić, Milan | |
811 | 2001 | New locality of Selaginella selaginoides in Serbia | Veljić, Milan ; Krivošej, Zoran; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B. | |
812 | 2001 | New moss taxa for the flora of Montenegro | Dragićević, S.; Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B. | |
813 | 19-Sep-2000 | Građa stroma Phomopsis helianthi i Phoma macdonaldii obrazovanih in vitro | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
814 | 19-Sep-2000 | Antimikrobni efekat etarskog ulja Micromeria dalmatica Benth. (Lamiaceae) | Marinković, B.; Soković, Marina; Marin, Petar ; Knežević Vukčević, Jelena ; Vuković Gačić, Branka ; Simić, D.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Mitić Ćulafić, Dragana ; Janaćković, Peđa | |
815 | 19-Sep-2000 | Antibakterijska i antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja i etanolnog ekstrakta Phlomis fruticosa L. (Lamiaceae) | Ristić, Mihailo; Marin, Petar ; Knežević Vukčević, Jelena ; Simić, D.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Vajs, V.; Mitić, D.; Marinković, B.; Janaćković, Peđa | |
816 | 18-Jun-2000 | Antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja Calamintha glandulosa (Req.) Bentham (Lamiaceae) | Marinković, B.; Ristić, Mihailo; Marin, Petar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Janaćković, Peđa | |
817 | Jun-2000 | Sezonska varijabilnost kompozicije etarskih ulja Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae) | Grujić, Slavica ; Marin, Petar ; Tešević, V. | |
818 | 14-May-2000 | Variability of some morpho- anatomical characters of Plantago holosteum Scop. | Petković, Branimir; Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Grujić, Slavica | M34 |
819 | 14-May-2000 | Anatomical structure of Helianthus annuus, H. rigidus and their progenies | Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
820 | 14-May-2000 | Stereology investigation on one-year old needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in autumn in industrial environment in Pančevo | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Marin, Petar | M34 |
821 | May-2000 | Variability of some morpho-anatomical characters of Plantago holosteum Scop. | Petković, B.; Vecko, M.; Grujić, Slavica | |
822 | May-2000 | Variability of some micromorphological characters of Glechoma hirsuta W. et K. (Lamiaceae) | Grujić, Slavica ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B.; Bokorov, M. | |
823 | 1-Jan-2000 | Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and ethanol extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. (Lamiaceae) | Ristić, Mihailo; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Knežević Vukčević, Jelena ; Marin, Petar ; Simić, D.; Vukojević, Jelena ; Janaćković, Peđa ; Vajs, V. | |
824 | 2000 | Flora mahovina jetrenjača jugoistočne Srbije | Veljić, Milan ; Petković, B.; Marin, Petar | |
825 | 2000 | Stereološka i histološka ispitivanja jednogodišnjih i dvogodišnjih četina Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) u prolećnom i jesenjem periodu u industrijskoj sredini Pančeva | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Marin, Petar | M64 |
826 | 2000 | The preliminary investigation of moss flora of the Uvac river in Serbia | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B. | |
827 | 2000 | The stromatal structures of Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldii formed in vitro | Stajić, M. ; Vukojević, J. ; Duletić-Laušević, S. | M34 |
828 | 2000 | Dobijanje etarskog ulja Stachys plumosa Gris. (Lamiaceae) korišćenjem SP130/250 uređaja za destilaciju | Grujić, Slavica ; Ristić, Mihailo; Petrović, S.; Petrović, D.; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B. | |
829 | 2000 | Pleospora pyrenaica on Draba aspera recently found in Yugoslavia | Vukojević, Jelena ; Ljaljević Grbić, Milica ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
830 | 5-Oct-1999 | Presence of Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldii pycnidia on sunflower seed | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
831 | 5-Oct-1999 | Antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oil and ethanol extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. (Lamiaceae) | Ristić, Mihailo; Marin, Petar ; Knežević Vukčević, Jelena ; Simić, D.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Vajs, V.; Mitić Ćulafić, Dragana ; Janaćković, Peđa | |
832 | 1-Jan-1999 | Guaianolides from Centaurea nicolai: Antifungal activity | Vajs, Vlatka; Todorović, Nina; Ristić, Marina; Tešević, Vele; Todorović, Borislav; Janaćković, Peđa ; Marin, Petar ; Milosavljević, Slobodan | |
833 | 1999 | Antifungalni efekat etanolnog ekstrakta Ptilostemon strictum Ten. Greuter (Asteraceae) | Janaćković, Peđa ; Ristić, Mihailo; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena | |
834 | 1999 | Efekat etanolnog ekstrakta Sempervivum tectorum L. na rast nekih mikromiceta | Ristić, Mihailo; Marin, Petar ; Marinković, B.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Brkić, D. | |
835 | 1999 | Pericarp structure and myxocarpy in selected genera of Nepetoideae (Lamiaceae) | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | |
836 | 1999 | Antifungalna aktivnost etanolnog ekstrakta Agrimonia eupatoria L | Marinković, B.; Ristić, Mihailo; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Brkić, D. | |
837 | 14-Sep-1998 | Anatomska građa orašica i miksokarpija kod odabranih vrsta roda Salvia L. | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | |
838 | 14-Sep-1998 | Antifungalno dejstvo etarskih ulja Salvia officinalis L. i Lavandula vera L | Ristić, Mihailo; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Marin, Petar ; Brkić, D. | |
839 | 3-Sep-1998 | Micromorphology and anatomy of nutlets of selected Satureja L. species (Lamiaceae) | Marin, Petar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
840 | Sep-1998 | Contribution to knowledge of the Drypis spinosa L., ssp. jacquiniana Murb. et Wetstt. | Petković, B.; Krivošej, Zoran; Đelić, G.; Janaćković, Peđa ; Grujić, Slavica | |
641 | 23-Aug-1998 | The stromatal structure in Diaporthe/Phomopsis helianthi isolates from different European regions | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Franić-Mihajlović, D. | |
642 | 23-Aug-1998 | The comparisons of the stromatal structure of the species from Diaporthe arctii complex | Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Franić-Mihajlović, D | |
643 | 1-Jan-1998 | Sesquiterpene lactones from Centaurea species: C. derventana and C. kosaninii | Tešević, Vele; Vajs, Vlatka; Janaćković, Peđa ; Todorovic, Nina; Djoković, Dejan; Marin, Petar ; Milosavljevic, Slobodan | |
644 | 1998 | Bryophytes flora of selected well-springs of Dinaric Alps in Serbia | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B | |
645 | 1998 | Serpentinophytes of Kosovo and Metohia (Serbia) | Krivošej, Zoran; Petković, B.; Marin, Petar ; Veljić, Milan | |
796 | 1998 | Comparative anatomical analysis of the selected Helianthus annuus genotypes | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Mihaljčević, M. | |
797 | 1998 | Micromorphology, anatomy and myxocarpy of nutlets of selected Micromeria species (Lamiaceae) | Marin, Petar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Ristić, Mihailo; Janaćković, Peđa | |
798 | 1998 | Bryophytes flora of the Krupajsko and Lisinsko well-springs in Serbia | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Petković, B.; Boža, P. | |
799 | 1998 | Arabis bryoides Boiss. - a new species in the flora of Jugoslavia | Krivošej, Zoran; Petković, B.; Marin, Petar ; Veljić, Milan | |
800 | 1998 | Contribution of the plant anatomical structure to the resistance of Helianthus annuus lines against the fungal pathogene Diaporthe helianthi | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Mihaljčević, M. |