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Title: Pericarp structure and myxocarpy in selected genera of Nepetoideae (Lamiaceae)
Authors: Duletić Laušević, Sonja 
Marin, Petar 
Issue Date: 1999
Journal: Nordic Journal of Botany
The pericarp structure has been analyzed in 37 species representing 13 genera from
four tribes of Nepetoideae (Lamiaceae). 11 species are endemics of Balkan Peninsula or other Mediterranean regions. Basically, the pericarp was similar to other
Nepetoideae by having exocarp, mesocarp s. str., vertically arranged bone cells and
thin innermost cell layer. The ratio between pericarp thickness and nutlet size was
the highest in Mentha spp. According to this parameter Micromeria species
belonging to different sections could be distinguished. Acinos spp. were
characterized by the thickest sclerenchyma in ratio to pericarp thickness. Crystals
were present within sclerenchyma region in genera Mentha, Melissa, Nepeta and
Prunella. The mucilage production has also been tested. Most of the studied species
produced mucilage when becoming wet. The strongest mucilage reaction showed
Acinos and Prunella. Pericarp characters studied are of taxonomical interest. They
were mainly correlated with the generic or infrageneric classification of some
ISSN: 0107-055X.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.1999.tb01227.x
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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