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Title: Effect of acute heat stress on rat adrenal medulla - a morphological and ultrastructural study
Authors: Petrovic-Kosanovic, Dragana
Čakić Milošević, Maja 
Budec, Mirela
Koko, Vesna
Keywords: Rat;Heat stress;Ultrastructure;Adrenaline cells;Noradrenaline cells
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2012
Project: Effects of metabolic and nonmetabolic stressors on the expression and action of neuroendocrine regulators of energy homeostasis (173023)
Journal: Central European Journal of Biology
Isolated rat adrenal medulla was analyzed by light and electron microscope after an acute (60 min) exposure to high ambient temperature (38°C). Under these conditions there was a significant rise in plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline. Stereological investigation by light microscopy showed a significant decrease in volume density of cells and an increase in the interstitium. At the ultrastructural level, the profile area of cells, nuclei and cytoplasm of adrenaline cells were significantly decreased. After the heat stress numbers of resting granules in adre naline and noradrenaline cells were significantly reduced, while the numbers of altered granules and empty containers in both types of adrenomedullar cells were significantly increased. © 2012 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien.
ISSN: 1895-104X
DOI: 10.2478/s11535-012-0044-1
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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