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Title: An ethnobotanical study on the usage of wild plants from Tara Mountain (Western Serbia)
Authors: Gavrilović, Milan 
Milutinović, Milica
Zlatković, Bojan
Radulović, Maja 
Miletić, Milica 
Trajković, Milica
Stevanović, Zora Dajić
Janaćković, Pedja
Keywords: Balkan;Balkans;folk medicine;human and animal nutrition;ishrana ljudi i domaćih životinja;narodna medicina;upotreba samoniklih biljaka;Vaccinium myrtillus;Vaccinium myrtillus;wild plants utilisation
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Rank: M23
Publisher: Institut za botaniku i botaničku baštu "Jevremovac", Biološki fakultet
Journal: Botanica Serbica
Volume: 48
Issue: 2
Start page: 247
End page: 262
In this study an ethnobotanical survey was conducted in western Serbia (Mt. Tara) with the aim of collecting and preserving the traditional botanical knowledge. A group of local inhabitants (56) was interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. The Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) and Jaccard Index (JI) were calculated. There are 78 wild plant species recorded. The reported plant species b...
ISSN: 18212158
DOI: 10.2298/BOTSERB2402247G
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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