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Title: <sup>31</sup>P NMR study of polyphosphate levels during different growth phases of Phycomyces blakesleeanus
Authors: Živić, Miroslav 
Zakrzewska, Joanna
Žižić, Milan
Bačić, Goran
Keywords: 31 P NMR;Growth;Phycomyces blakesleeanus;Polyphosphate
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2007
Journal: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology
The changes in relative polyphosphate content, estimated as the intensity ratio of core polyphosphate signal and intracellular inorganic phosphate signal from 31P NMR spectra, during the growth of Phycomyces blakesleeanus are reported. The ratio increases from 16 h to 28 h of growth, the minimum occurs at 32 h, followed by sharp increase up to 36 h, and a steady decrease afterwards. The changes in the biomass during mycelium growth showed steady increases, with a stagnation period between 32 h and 36 h during which a pronounced increase in the intensity ratio of core polyphosphates to intracellular inorganic phosphate signal occurred. The reduction of growth temperature from 22°C to 18°C significantly decreased the rate and intensity of growth, but the pattern of polyphosphate changes remained unchanged. The changes of the intensity ratio of core polyphosphates to intracellular inorganic phosphate signal are linked to characteristic stages of sporangiophore development. Analysis of core polyphosphates, intracellular inorganic phosphate and β-ATP signal intensities suggest the role of polyphosphates as an energy and/or a phosphate reserves during Phycomyces development. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006.
ISSN: 0003-6072
DOI: 10.1007/s10482-006-9108-4
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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