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Title: Integrative investigation of hematotoxic effects induced by low doses of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic mixture: In vivo and in silico approach
Authors: Živančević, Katarina 
Živanović, Jovana
Baralić, Katarina
Božić, Dragica
Marić, Đurđica
Vukelić, Dragana
Miljaković, Evica Antonijević
Djordjevic, Aleksandra Buha
Ćurčić, Marijana
Bulat, Zorica
Antonijević, Biljana
Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela
Keywords: Benchmark modelling;Hematotoxicity;Mode of action;Toxic metal(loid)s mixture
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2024
Rank: M21a
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: The Science of the total environment
Volume: 930
Start page: 172608
The effect of the lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) mixture (MIX) on hematotoxicity development was investigated trough combined approach. In vivo subacute study (28 days) was performed on rats (5 per group): a control group and five groups orally exposed to increasing metal(loid) mixture doses, MIX 1- MIX 5 (mg/kg bw./day) (Pb: 0.003, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1; Cd: 0.01, 0.03, 0.3, 0.9, 3; Hg: 0.0002, 0.0006, 0.006, 0.018, 0.06; As: 0.002, 0.006, 0.06, 0.18, 0.6). Blood was taken for analysis of hematological parameters and serum iron (Fe) analysis. MIX treatment increased thrombocyte/platelet count and MCHC and decreased Hb, HCT, MCV and MCH values compared to control, indicating the development of anemia and thrombocytosis. BMDIs with the narrowest width were identified for MCH [pg] (6.030E-03 - 1.287E-01 mg Pb/kg bw./day; 2.010E-02 - 4.290E-01 mg Cd/kg bw./day; 4.020E-04 - 8.580E-03 mg Hg/kg bw./day; 4.020E-03 - 8.580E-02 mg As/kg bw./day). In silico analysis showed target genes connected with MIX and the development of: anemia - ACHE, GSR, PARP1, TNF; thrombocytosis - JAK2, CALR, MPL, THPO; hematological diseases - FAS and ALAD. The main extracted pathways for anemia were related to apoptosis and oxidative stress; for thrombocytosis were signaling pathways of Jak-STAT and TPO. Changes in miRNAs and transcription factors enabled the mode of action (MoA) development based on the obtained results, contributing to mechanistic understanding and hematological risk related to MIX exposure.
ISSN: 00489697
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172608
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