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Title: ×Gymnigritella suaveolens (Orchidaceae), a New Natural Hybrid to the Flora of Serbia
Authors: Đorđević, Vladan 
Krdžić, Svetlana
Tsiftsis, Spyros
Keywords: Gymnadenia;;Nigritella;;Orchidaceae;;Hybrid;;Serbia;;Balkan Peninsula.
Issue Date: 2024
Rank: M23
Publisher: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House
Journal: Comptes rendus de l academie Bulgare des sciences
Volume: 77
Issue: 10
×Gymnigritella suaveolens (Orchidaceae), a natural hybrid between Gymnadenia conopsea and Nigritella rhellicani, was found at Mt Kopaonik for the first time in Serbia, representing its single known locality in the Central Balkans. Morphological characteristics, distribution data, habitat and ecological preferences are indicated. The hybrid was found at 1552 m a.s.l., on sericite schists, as a member of the Festuco-Deschampsietum flexuosae grassland community. Two hybrid specimens were recorded at the site where the two parental species grow in sympatry, and where the population size of G. conopsea was larger than the population size of N. rhellicani.
ISSN: 2367-5535
DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2024.10.03
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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