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Title: Diet patterns of water green frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in mixed population systems in Serbia
Authors: Breka, Katarina 
Plećaš, Milan 
Vesović, Nikola 
Stojanović, Katarina 
Dudić, Boris 
Stamenković, Srđan 
Keywords: European water frogs;feeding habits;Diet composition;prey diversity;Danube;Serbia
Issue Date: 2024
Rank: M23
Journal: Acta Herpetologica
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Start page: 57
End page: 68
Population systems in which all three taxa of the Pelophylax esculentus complex coexist are rare and in Serbia and can only be found along the Danube. Although several studies describe the diet in populations with only one taxa, there is a lack of data from mixed populations. We studied the diet in mixed populations of edible frogs at three sites for three years. We collected gut contents from 221 adult frogs using the stomach flushing method and identified 1477 prey items. The diet consisted mainly of insects (88%). For all three taxa, the most frequently consumed prey groups were Hymenoptera (28%), Coleoptera (18%), Lepidoptera (17%) and Diptera (11%). Larger prey (in terms of length and volume) was mainly consumed by P. ridibundus, followed by P. esculentus. The smallest prey were mainly consumed by P. lessonae. However, P. ridibundus consumed fewer prey items than P. lessonae. No significant difference was found between the taxa in the staple diet, while there were differences in the less abundant prey categories, especially between P. ridibundus and P. lessonae. The narrowest trophic niche width was observed in P. lessonae, followed by P. esculentus, and the widest in P. ridibundus. Our results suggest that the diet of the three taxa is diverse and consists of a large number of invertebrate groups. However, the diet was locality28 specific, with the dominance of different prey groups in different localities depending on habitat characteristics. These results confirm our expectation that the frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex follow an opportunistic foraging strategy, as predicted by optimal foraging theory.
ISSN: 1827-9643
DOI: 10.36253/a_h-13529
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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