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Title: Crosstalk between vitamin status and Gut Microbiota: the key to maintaining immune homeostasis in the gut
Authors: Rakić, Marija
Repac, Jelena 
Lunić, Tanja 
Božić, Bojan 
Božić Nedeljković, Biljana 
Keywords: Gut bicrobiota;;Dysbiosis;;Immune system;;B vitamins;;Homeostasis.
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M52
Publisher: Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije
Journal: Archives of Pharmacy
Volume: 73
Issue: 6
Start page: 484
End page: 514
The human gut microbiota is a diverse ecosystem that harbours a variety of microorganisms, including proteobacteria, bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists, and archaea. These microorganisms are collectively involved in several vital functions, including nutrient metabolism, vitamin synthesis, immune system regulation, neurotransmitter production, drug metabolism, and communication with the central ne...
DOI: 10.5937/arhfarm73-46395
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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