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Title: Agrotehnički aspekt primene cvetnih pojaseva u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji
Other Titles: Agrotechnical aspect of using flower strips in agricultural production
Authors: Filipović, Vladimir
Ugrenović, Vladan
Plećaš, Milan 
Raičević, Jovana 
Dimitrijević, Snežana
Prijić, Željana
Popović, Vera
Keywords: cvetni pojasevi;agro-ekološko-klimatska mera;biodiverzitet;polinatori;zemljište;poljoprivredna proizvodnja;flower strips;agro-ecological-climate measure;biodiversity;pollinators;soil;agricultural production
Issue Date: 22-Jun-2023
Rank: M63
Publisher: Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela Kragujevac
Project: Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity 
Related Publication(s): 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije; Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera
Start page: 203
End page: 213
Conference: 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije; Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera
Cvetni pojasevi predstavljaju jednu od mera IPARD III program za period 2021-2027. godine koju će Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije u narednom periodu sufinansirati. Cvetni pojasevi seju se uz ivicu parcele i služe kao staništa za oprašivače (polinatore), druge korisne insekte i ptice, doprinose poboljšanju biodiverziteta (biološke raznolikosti), zatim sprečavaju eroziju zemljišta i služe za unapređenje ruralnog ambijenta. U radu je dat prikaz pojedinih cvetnih vrsta koje najčešće koriste u smeši semena za cvetne pojaseve, kao i agrotehnički aspekt primene cvetnih pojaseva i njihova dobrobit za agroekosistem.

Flower strips are one of the measures of the IPARD III program for the period 2021-2027. which will be co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. Flower strips are sown along the edge of the plot and serve as habitats for pollinators, other beneficial insects and birds, contribute to the improvement of biodiversity, then prevent soil erosion and serve to improve the rural environment. The paper presents the description of certain flower species that are most often used in the seed mixture for flower strips, as well as the agrotechnical aspect of the application of flower strips and their benefit for the agroecosystem.
22. jun 2023.
Kragujevac, Srbija
Zbornik radova: 203-213
ISBN: 978-86-905494-0-5
Appears in Collections:Conference paper

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