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Title: New bryophyte taxa for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Authors: Pantović, Jovana 
Grdović, Svetlana N.
Sabovljević, Marko 
Keywords: Balkans;bryoflora;liverwort;mosses;new records
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2023
Rank: M23
Journal: Acta Botanica Croatica
Volume: 82
Issue: 1
Start page: 80
End page: 82
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long history of bryophyte flora research. However, it is still considered in-sufficiently investigated, and until recently bryophyte investigations were completely neglected. Hence new records for the country are expected with novel explorations. Here, we report one liverwort (Porella obtusata) and four moss species (Bryum klinggraeffii, Cinclidotus danubicus, Habrodon perpusillus and Imbribryum subapiculatum) new for the country’s bryophyte flora. With these new records, the bryoflora of Bosnia and Herzegovina numbers 673 taxa (no hornworts, 134 liverworts and 539 mosses).
ISSN: 03650588
DOI: 10.37427/botcro-2022-026
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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