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Title: Seasonal aspects of water quality in the Grlište reservoir, Eastern Serbia
Authors: Bojan Gavrilović
Popović, Slađana 
Miloš Ćirić
Željka Gotovina
Ana Pantelić
Subakov-Simić, Gordana 
Milka Vidović
Keywords: water quality, algal communities, Cyanobacteria, reservoir, Serbia
Issue Date: 2014
Rank: M52
Journal: The Environment
Volume: 1
Start page: 17
End page: 21
Over the period of one year assessment of water quality of the Grlište reservoir was done using physico-chemical and biological parameters. It was shown that the reservoir is monomictic and that stratification caused by the changes in water temperature dictated the movement and availability of nutrients. Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria were considerably more abundant then the remaining algal groups. Periodically elevated levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and increased abundance of certain algal taxa indicated the development of eutrophication processes in Grlište reservoir. Results of biological and chemical analysis were compared to limit values defined by the Regulation for water quality.
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